Chapter 14

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Jimin and Yeonjun were in the kitchen serving the food they bought in dishes while Taehyung was helping Jin to settle down on the couch in living room.

Both Jimin and Yeonjun carried the dishes in the living room and settled it on coffee table and took a seat around it.

"Here hyung this one is less spicy for you and Tae" Jimin said handing Taehyung and Jin a bowl of noodles.

Jin rubs his hand picking his chopsticks "Damn now this is the love of my life" he said and took a bite and moaned at the taste of it. Other smiles at him and dig in.

They were in mid way of eating when the door bell rings.

"I will see it!" Yeonjun said and stood up with his mouth full cheeks puffed out, he made his way to the door while chewing.

Reaching the door he covered his mouth with his hand as he tried to chew it all and opens the door.

He blinked his eyes when he came face to face with Soobin and other was standing behind him "fsobn?"

Early when Namjoon went to hospital and signed the papers and other work he checked upon the boys and found them all in Hobi's office as they were on break and almost tired so he asked them to join him to his house for lunch then they can went back to their perticular palce and rest as all of their schedules were clear at the same time for the day which was rare. As the other were really hungry so they took the offer and followed Namjoon they also took the take out from the way and came here.

Soobin chuckled and ruffles Yeonjun's hair "First eat, then speak" he said while Namjoon Hobi Yoongi and Yoonji made their way inside.

Yeonjun widened his eyes and nods chewing fastly as Soobin was still stood before him.

"Done?" Yeonjun nods and gives Soobin a big smile. Soobin returns the smile and dragged him inside where others just went.

"We bring more food" Hobi chipped happily holding his hand upwards showing the take out he and Yoongi follows his action but with tired face.

"Hyung! Nice timing we were just having our lunch" Jimin said and took the bags form Hobi and Yoongi.

Namjoon went and sat beside Jin who was looking up at everyone holding his noodles bowl with mouth full. He chuckled as Jin's eyes follows him till he sat beside him "Enjoying the lunch?" Namjoon asked ruffling Jin's hair to which he nods happily making Namjoon chuckled.

"I will get more plates" Taehyung said when everyone settled down on the floor near the table except Namjin who was sitting on the long couch.

"I will help you Hyung " saying Yeonjun followed him to the kitchen.

"Aigoo look how tired you all are looking" Jin said passing his bowl to Namjoon and ruffles Soobin's hair who was sitting by his foot leaning on the couch. Yoonji and Hobi was sitting across the table with their head down on the table and Yoongi with his head on Jimin's shoulder who was massaging his head.

Taehyung and Yeonjun came back with extra dishes and start serving the food for others with Jimin helping them.

Once everyone get their lunch Taehyung took a seat besides Jimin but then frowned noticing something "Where's Dr. Jeon?" He asked gaining everyone's attention specially Jimin Yeonjun and Jin who smirked at him to which Taehyung replied with straight face.

"Here, Missed me?" A whispered was heard near Taehyung's right ear making Taehyung flinched. His neck and ears turned red as he recognised the voice.

He looked sideways to see a smiling Jungkook "I was parking the car that's why came a little late ......Heya now move move" Jungkook said as he wiggles between Taehyung and Jimin trying to settle himself between them.

"Yeah! Jeon what are you doing go and sit somewhere" Jimin shouts in annoyance as Jungkook literally made everyone shift while wiggling himself between him and Taehyung others just groaned and moved aside. Soobin simply just pulled Yeonjun to himself by sneaking his hands around his waist straddling the boy.

So now Namjoon and Jin were sitting on the couch, Soobin and Yeonjun on the floor near Jin, across the table infront of Namjin sitting Hobi and Yoonji beside them Yoongi and Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting near the Namjoon's side on the floor so it makes them sit in circle around the table.

Jungkook stuck his tongue out at Jimin "Nah this is better place besides i have to protect Tae from your corrupted mind as know bad influence" Jungkook winks at Jimin before turning his attention to the table "I'm so hungry" he declared.

"So we are, so let's just have lunch in peace" Yoongi said pointing his chopsticks at Jungkook who gives him thumbs up. Taehyung passed a noodles bowl to Jungkook to which Jungkook thanked him smiling.

"Aren't you gonna say anything to him about how he said my mind is corrupted" Jimin hit's Yoongi's hand glaring at him.

Yoongi ruffles his hair "Aren't you my dear mochi" he said smiling sweetly at Jimin who gasped offendedly.

"I maybe am but that's only for you!" Jimin mumbles pouting picking up his chopsticks. Yoongi nods and pats his head before start eating.

And that's how all of them had their lunch together, having small talks and teasing inbetween which ends up with Jimin Hobi and Yeonjun almost choking as they surprisingly found each and every joke funny.


They are more than friends,
They are family.


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