Chapter 9

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Taehyung quickly run away from there too embarassed to face Jimin's teasing. Dr. Jeon's graze was enough for him to lose his cools.

He slow down when he saw Hobi's office door and a shy smile crept on his face as he remembered Dr. Jeon's graze, his eyes oh how magical those eyes were he could spend his life just by looking in them. His heartbeat rosed up yet again thinking  about Jungkook.

Taehyung shakes his head before knocking on the door. The door opened by Soobin who's mouth was filled he was chewing it looking like a cute bunny this again reminds him of his Dr. Bunny so he peaked in corridor as saw Jungkook coming looking at his phone smiling. Taehyung frowned at that as he was about to go to Jungkook he was interrupted by Soobin who held his hand and pulls him in.

Soobin opens the door of the office as they were woken up by Namjoon then Jin told them to have their brunch when they heard the knock on the door. As Hobi was about to stood up Soobin stops him saying he's near the door so he will see who is it.

As Soobin mouth was filled with food making his cheeks puffed out. He opens the door and came face to face with Taehyung seeing Taehyung looked at him for a moment then back in corridors. As Taehyung was looking in corridor Soobin quickly chew and gulped the food in his mouth and grabs Taehyung by his hand and pulls him in "Oh hyung come inside we were just waiting for you and Dr. Jeon but where's he?"

"Ah D-Dr. Jeon is coming" Taehyung fumbles due to sudden pull.

Everyone inside the room wipped their head to the door. Taehyung looks awkwardly as everyone had their mouth filled with food and puffed cheek looking at him.

Jin waved his hand and speak with his mouth full "Mnjsuds" Taehyung blinks as he couldn't understand anything. Namjoon points Jin to finish his food first.

Jin noticed and nods. He quickly chew and gulped his food then looks at Taehyung he smiles "My child come and sit, have your brunch first."

Taehyung smiles and nods then bows to Jin "Hello Dr. Kim I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" he said.

Hearing the name Jin chokes on the bite he just took Namjoon panicked and start patting his back Yoongi hurriedly hands him the glass of water which Jin gulped down.

Jin looks up at widened eyes Taehyung who asked him "Dr. Kim are you alright" Jin nods coughing a little and looks at Namjoon with comically wide eyes.

He points at Taehyung secretly "Isn't he the boy whose file i saw in Jungkook's apartment, i didn't get to see the file as Jungkook snatched it but I definitely read the name!" Jin whispered shouts and Namjoon gasped "is it!" Jin nods his head aggressively.

As the couple was busy whispering themselves other gave them weird looks. Hobi motioned Taehyung to took a seat as Soobin sat on his previous seat which was beside Yeonjun.

Taehyung nods and sit on the couch in front of Namjin.

Jin and Namjoon smiled at eachother "Bunny boy got some tea to spell" Jin said making Namjoon nod.

They both look at Taehyung together making the poor boy startled "So Taehyung if I'm not wrong you are doing your internship under Jungkook right?" Namjoon asked.

Taehyung nods at that. Jin gasped and start hitting Namjoon's should saying 'see i told you'.

"What happened Jin Pa?" Yoonji asked in confusion as she's aware of Jin's abnormal mood swings but this is seems new to her well others too as they too can't understand what suddenly happened to him.

Jungkook reached the office door when he heard Yoonji. He slowly opened the door and saw everyone's attention was on Jin who was hitting Namjoon while eyeing Taehyung.

His eyes widened as he heard Jin "Actually I saw Taehyung's file in Jungko--" Jungkook let out a sherik scream cutting off Jin to say anything further.

Sudden scream make everyone flinch and looks towards the source only to find Jungkook with horror filled expression on his face.

"Koo-Dr. Jeon what happened" Taehyung was quick to stand up and went to Jungkook. Jungkook's ears turn red due to embarassment as now everyone's attention was on him.

Jin smirked at Jungkook 'got you lil shit' he whispered under his breath which was heard by his husband. Namjoon chuckled at hearing Jin.

"Dr. Jeon/Jungkook are you alright?" Other asked Jungkook. Jungkook nods with a awkward smile and gave Jin warning glare as if saying 'dont you dare to open you mouth again' but Jin just shrugs and lean back on the couch with sly smirk.

Jimin soon came and pushes Jungkook as he was blocking the way "Yeah don't stand in front of door." He said and entering without knowing what his action caused.

Jungkook stumbled forward by the sudden push as he was about to fall Taehyung was quick held him by placing his hand around his waist as he was standing infront of Jungkook.

Jungkook too held onto Taehyung for support his cheeks and ear turned darker shade of red when he hear Jin and Jimin whistling.

Jungkook quickly backed away looking at the ground "T-Thanks" he said to Taehyung shortly looking at his face then looked away as he was literally embarrassed from the moment he entered in the office.

Taehyung smiles at him and shakes his head and went back to his seat but Jungkook frozen on his palce whining and cursing at Jimin and Jin internally for putting him in this situation.

"What planning to becoming a tomato standing there" he heard Namjoon asking in a teasing manner with a raised eyebrow.

Jimin Hobi and Jin burst into laughter looking at Jungkook fumming red face.

Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked at others and gave them tight lip smile and took the only seat left that was beside Taehyung.

He rolled his eyes at still laughing trio "Stop it now!" He said grumpily. Yoonji Yeonjun and Soobin was watching it all in wonder while chewing in their brunch as they got free drama although they didn't understand the whole thing but seeing Jungkook embarrassed was fun.

Taehyung gave the sympathetic look to the grumpy man beside him and passed him the bottle of Banana milk which lit up Jungkook face.

Taehyung smiles as Jungkook's happily took the drink forgetting the early tease and grump mood well he knew this would work on boy's grumpy mood. How? He have his ways which he will tell later.

Yoongi smiles secretly as he noticed how Taehyung lit up Jungkook grumpy mood.


Maybe you are in his mind just as much as he's in yours.


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