Chapter 24

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It was the evening time and the staff of the hospital started to change their shift. Namjoon and Jin went home after lunch as Jin was feeling sleepy but before going they strictly ordered other to go home and don't overwork by staying over at night like other times.

Obeying Jin and Namjoon's words, everyone started pack their things to leave, they were in the lobby punching their ID card for departure.

Taehyung was streching his sore limbs when he was pulled into corner by Jimin and Yeonjun who looked around them checking if anyone watching them or not, when they saw no one was watching them they turned their head to Taehyung.

"What happened in the Lab?" Jimin asked looking dead in Taehyung's eyes, Yeonjun too mimicks Jimin's action startling Taehyung "Huh?"

"Don't huh? Us, just spell the tea so we can pass it to Jin hyung" Taehyung blinks looking confused genuinely not getting what they meant.

"Im really not getting what you are saying?" Jimin groaned pinching his nose bridge.

"God you are so dumb yet manged to become a doctor" Yeonjun comments shaking his head at his cousin's confused face.

Taehyung glares at Yeonjun smacking his head "I'm your Hyung idiot!"

Yeonjun scoffed "yeah yeah what Jimin hyung is saying that did something happened between you and Jungkook hyung when you were locked in lab"

Taehyung widened his eyes, gasping he points at both Jimin and Yeonjun "How do you know we were loc- wait, you both locked us!"

Jimin and Yeonjun flips their hair "Without a doubt" they said.

Taehyung signed internally thinking about the conversion between him and Jungkook in the lift.


"That was Jimin" Jungkook suddenly spoke catching Taehyung's attention.

"Where?" Taehyung asked seeing Jungkook deep in thoughts standing in the corner of the lift with his hands crossed over his chest leaning on the lift's wall.

"The one who run away screaming that senior Kim called us" he said look up in Taehyung's eyes.

"Oh? So that means..."

"He was also the one who locked us too- well tried too as door jammed so maybe he thought it's locked?" Jungkook completes Taehyung's sentence.

"Eh? Why would he do that?" Taehyung asked tilting his head.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung towards him by his waist making Taehyung's blood rush to his ear and neck turning then into a shade of red blush, Jungkook shrugged "I don't know maybe I know...who knows?"

Taehyung struggles to breath as he feel whole zoo in his stomach, his neck and ears flushed red and a shy smile came to his lips seeing Jungkook this close "huh? Say...say it clearly" he whispered trying to stable his inner screaming self.

Jungkook smirked seeing Taehyung's condition he leaned to his ears and whispered "Why so flustered huh? Well let me make something clear.... You should get used to this cause I'm definitely going to do this again and again" he laughed when Taehyung pushed himself out of his grasp slapping his shoulder with a embarrassed smile.

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