Chapter 13

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"Jungkook don't just stand at the door! Go and entry down the details right now"

Yoongi's voice ring throw the chilly dimly lit room and right after a sherik scream was heard in the same room.

Jungkook jumped at the sudden voice and let out a very girly high pitched scream. He pats his chest to calm his heartbeat. He looked towards the camera in the right corner of the room where a speaker was also installed.

He heard the laughing sound which pissed him. He showed his fist to the camera while hissing knowing very well that other were watching him via security camera.

"Uh-huh now don't throw tantrums go and do as you were told" Hobi's voice was heard followed by more laughing sound.

Jungkook clicked his tongue while glaring right in the camera "This is fucking mortuary! Don't just popped out like that!" He hissed.

Nothing was heard even the laughing sound was stopped now it was all silence with just Jungkook's own breathing sound.

Jungkook huffed thinking they went back to do their own things so he put the surgical mask and made his way towards the sections where bodies was kept for removal for autopsy, respectful burial, cremation or other methods of disposal and for other purpose.

When Jungkook got busy in his task here in Hobi's office three boys was holding their laugh with great difficulty while keeping their eyes on the computer screen which shows the live recording of mortuary room Jungkook was in.

Hobi, Yoongi and Soobin shared a glance and nods without saying anything. Soobin quietly leaned down to the mic of the speaker controlling his laugh he yelled "BHOOO!"

"AHHHHHHHHH HOLY DOODLES" and they again brust into laughter as they saw Jungkook slamming the clipboard right in the face of some crops and knocked his head on the open door of the cell behind him.

Jungkook held his head winching and closed the cell. He sighed at the laughing sound coming from the speaker.

He came in front of the camera and throw the clipboard and pen at it and start whining stomping his foot "Not fair, Not fair, Not fair"

"Ha you should have thought about that before messing with me" he heard Yoongi scoffing.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and points at the camera "Jimin called you that everytime!" He stated.

"And you are not Jimin" Yoongi replied.

Jungkook took a deep breath before looking up smiling "So like are you missing Jimin? Wanna go and see him?" He asked hopping on his toes.

"What's with you hyungie~ .....kOoKiE aRr yOu MiSsiNg JiMiN hYuNgiE tOo" he heard Soobin saying between his laugh.

Jungkook maintained his smile "You. Little. Bunny-" he muttered under his breath "Hell N---YES" he coughed "Surprisingly I do" he said nodding.

"But i refuse your wish to see MY husband" came Yoongi's reply and Jungkook can swear Yoongi is smirking while saying so.

"Man you are so embarrassing.....just to let you know I'm gonna share this part in group soon" Hobi said in the mic while holding his phone recording the whole thing and now zoomed on the Jungkook's shocked Pikachu face which increased their laughter only.

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