Chapter 32

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Everyone was now sitting outside the OPT room. Firstly they decided to wait in room till Namjoon or someone else come out of the OPT but as they were all nervous they moved to the chairs outside the OPT room.

Jungkook, Yoonji and Soobin was pacing back and forth biting their nails glancing at the door time to time making Jimin's head go crazy as he was watching them.

"Yeah you three better sit in one place or I'm gonna faint again" he hissed angrily at them as Yoongi pats his head to calm the boy, "And if he faint again, I'm gonna send you three in mortuary" Yoongi said in a bored tone as he was busy playing with his husband's hair.

Hobi and Taehyung snickered when the three sat on the metal chairs accross them "Hyung's hormone acting up" Yeonjun whispered to both Hobi and Taehyung who nods looking at Jimin, "and Yoongi supporting him fully" Hobi added feeling pity at the trio.

After like 5-10 minutes they heard the distinct crying sound of the baby. Their eyes widened and mouse gasped, pointing at the door they stood up and shouts in happiness "JUNIOR KIM HAS ARRIVED!"

They saw the door of the OPT opened, Dr. Hong and Namjoon came out of the room. Dr. Hong with happy smile and Namjoon covering his mouth with a shock yet emotional face.

They all run up to them "How's hyung?" "Is it a boy or girl?" "They are healthy right?" "Can we meet them?" They asked more like shout on top of their lungs.

Dr. Hong laughed patting Namjoon's shoulder "I will leave all the questions to Dr. Namjoon while I will go and prepare thing to settle Dr. Jin in private room and Congratulations Dr. Namjoon" saying that Dr. Hong went away patting Namjoon's back and leaving the overexcited ducklings in Namjoon's hands.

"Namjoon hyung! Congratulations!" They hugged Namjoon who gave them teary smile and hugged back "Thank you so much my boys"

"Hyung how's the baby!" A very excited Yeonjun asked literally jumping on his toes, "Is it a boy or girl?" An equally excited Taehyung asked with his both hand fisted and making little jumps on his toes.

"Both Babies and Jin baby are fine.." Namjoon answered looking at each and every face which turned confused, "Both?" Jungkook asked looking at others who shrugged then at Namjoon who nods, "..yes, both ...a boy and a girl..." he added, he saw others eyes widened as they get what he was implying "Jin gave birth to twins!" He completed earning a loud happy shout from his grown up babies.

They all attacked Namjoon hugging him tightly except Jimin and Yoongi. Jimin was about to jump as well but Yoongi held him in his place, Jimin whined but he understands why his husband did that. When others let Namjoon go he stepped forward and peaked Namjoon forehead and congratulate him which caught Namjoon in suprise, Taehyung too follows Jimin peaking Namjoon forehead quiet aggressively but someone was quick to pull him back and hugged his waist clearing his throat quite secretively.

No one had noticed that action of Jungkook as they were busy congratulating Namjoon. Taehyung with a smile on his flushed face elbows Jungkook his stomach giving him side eyes. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders making a hurt expression seeing Taehyung's side eyes to which Taehyung just shakes his head giggling silently making Jungkook smiled with his one hand wrapped around younger's waist.


"Ready boys?" Namjoon asked standing infront of the private room where Jin was now resting after the operation. The boys nods their head with a big smile on their faces holding balloons, teddies and other stuff toys.

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