Chapter 5: Hold My Earrings

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If I had water I would've done a spit take. Simon actually signed them? I did a little jig in my chair.

"Got something in your pants?" Jay asked me.

"Did you not hear him?" I whispered excitedly. "He's signing One Direction!"

"You're point?" she scoffed.

"Niall's in One Direction dummy."

"Oh yea.... I'm still not seeing your point."

"He might come here for recording and stuff." I started dancing again.

"But what if he doesn't though?" Jay smirked. I stopped dancing and looked at her.

"He will," I said firmly.

"But what if he doesn't?" she repeated.

"He will!' I shouted. Simon looked at us. "Will One Direction be recording and practicing here?" I asked him.

"Yes," he replied. "Why?"

"Told you!" I yelled at Jay. She put her hands up in defence.

"Changing the subject, what did you mean by mood swings Jay?" Simon said.

"Ms. Always-Right here got herself pregnant," she explained.

"With who?" he sighed.

"Erm... Niall."


"Don't get mad at me! She's the one who didn't use protection." Jay pointed at me. Thanks Jay. Glad to know I can count on you.

"Just for the record," I began. "No one told me I couldn't get pregnant."

"We didn't expect to!" Simon stormed. "You seemed capable of knowing not to get pregnant!"

"Well sorry for not getting the memo!" I retorted.

"Sir, Mr. Payne says that they're on their way," guard man interrupted.

"I can't believe you're that stupid," Simon went on, ignoring the guard.

"They'll be here in about 30 minutes, since Harry's place is in Cheshire and that's not that far away," the guard continued.

"It's my life! I can do whatever I want!" I screamed.

"But then again, they called about 30 minutes ago," the guard told us, but mainly to himself. My phone started to vibrate.

"Shut up. I got a call," I growled at everyone. I looked at the screen; Jason. In the sweetest voice ever, I answered, "hello?"

"Hey Thaila," Jason said. "I was just wondering if you would like to go on a um..... Activity tonight."

"Sure," I giggled. "What time?"

"How's seven?" he suggested. I looked at the time on my phone. It was 5:30. I had enough time to get ready.

"That's fine," I told him. "See you then." I hung up the phone.

"Please tell me that was Niall," Jay said.

"It was Jason," I said.

"You're forgetting Niall already!" she groaned slumping in her chair. 

"Am not!" I shot back. But I knew I was. Slowly, but I was. There was a loud knock. My stomach dropped. I had a feeling who it was. The guard opened the door as I braced myself. My feeling was right. Standing in the doorway was One Direction. To be more exact, there was One Direction and a blonde girl. Hugging Niall. I don't know what came over me, but I just started beating the crap out of the poor girl. Mood swings: 2 Thaila: 0

"Get off of me!" she squeeked.

"Get off of her!" Niall pleaded. I finally got off of her. After I saw that she had a bloody upper lip.

"I think she needs a break," Jay half laughed, half sighed. She grabbed my arm and pushed me into another room. "What was that?"

"I just got mad okay?" I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"About what?" she laughed. I didn't think this was very funny.

"What if she's his girlfriend?" I said, my voice cracking a bit. Oh boy. The tears were about to flow.

"Why would he replace you?"

"I don't know. I mean, I'm sort of replacing him."

"But you're having-"

"I never told him about the baby."


"I knew he wouldn't be able to handle it." I laid down on the floor. I tend to lay down wherever I am when I'm depressed. "Besides, it would've mad him feel worse since I would be leaving and he would be staying there."

"But now he's here. You can tell him now," Jay said.

"I rather not," I sighed. "I rather let this whole thing blow over."

"And if it doesn't?" she asked.

"It will," I assured her. But I was mostly assuring myself.

Sup everyone :3 I probably just ruined my life at the moment. You want to know why? No? Well I'll tell you anyways. So, I've never had enough courage to actually talk to Mark. But just like, a couple of minutes ago, I said hi to him on Youtube. You know, the personal chat thingy. Yea. He's probably going to be like, who the heck are you? And I'm just going to be like ehhhhh. And yea.....  I have my hair up in a ponytail at the moment. PAYCHO. Sorry for not updating sooner. I've been busy. Doing... Stuff. But until next chapter...... Nine months....

Give Me Love (A Niall Horan Fan Fic) *SEQUEL TO ILWMEBNH*Where stories live. Discover now