Chapter 10: This Could Get Ugly

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It was an awkward rest of the meal. I mean, if two guys who apparently like you just kissed you, wouldn't you feel a bit awkward eating near them? I'll tell you first hand, I think it is.

The drive home was bits of conversations. There was never a full convo. It was a relief to finally get back to the house. I dashed inside, letting out a sigh. All that awkwardness in the car was overwhelming. Liam appeared from the kitchen.... Wearing an apron.

"Very manly there Liam," Harry sneered as he walked in, earning a giggle from Jay. I swear, if those two aren't dating I'll be damned.

"I was making snacks," Liam shot back.

"Oi! Snacks!" I squealed. I dashed to the kitchen. Not fast enough though. Liam caught my collar before I could get anything. He did the same to Niall as he came rushing in.

"Ack! The hell Liam?" Niall spat, trying to pry Liam's hand off his collar.

"Don't eat them," he snapped. "They're for a game."

"And what game is this?" I huffed.

"Say it or eat it," Liam smiled evilly. I groaned. I HATED that game. "Now to the living room!" I sighed as I walked into the living room.

"What about Stephano?" I called to Liam.

"He's down for the night," Liam called back. "Zayn put him down." Dang it. I was hoping Stephano would be my way out of this game. I sat down on the couch as Liam called for Zayn. After we were all settled, Liam brought in the "snacks." I gagged. Even I wouldn't want to eat anything that Liam had made.

"Alright, it goes name wise. Like the alphabet," Zayn explained. Oh, so Zayn knew about this little game? "So it's Amber, Harry, Jay, Niall, Liam, Louis,Thaila and then me. Got it?' We all nodded. I sneered as everyone took a snack off the platter.

"I'm a virgin," she sighed. Then she ate the food. Niall and I looked at her in disgust. Harry's turn.

"Jay and I are thinking of getting back together," he smiled. Surprisingly, he didn't eat the food. I held in a happy cheer as Jay told her truth (or lie).

"Thaila is like my sister. Except better." No food eaten. Thank goodness. Liam's turn now.

"I eat cereal with a fork." Food eaten. Louis' turn.

"I'm not very sassy." Food eaten. My turn. I had no idea what to say. I didn't want to say anything too revealing. But I also didn't want to do what Jay did.

"I'm pregnant," I mumbled. Jay's eyes grew wide. She was sitting next to me. Obviously, she heard me.

"What?" Niall asked. "I'm uh...." I tried covering up what I said, but nothing came to my mind. "I'm.... I'm not feeling good." I didn't eat my snack. I actually didn't feel very well. I felt like I was about to throw up. Great. Evening sickness. Is that even possible? I ran upstairs and locked myself in one of the bathrooms. After a few minutes and a little vomiting, I heard a knock on the door.

"Thaila?" I heard Harry call. I swiftly cleaned up any mess I made and opened the door. I must've looked like a mess, because Harry looked at me very weirdly. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yea," I lied. "Probably just a bit of bad chicken."

"Or evening sickness," Harry corrected. Dammit. He knew.

"Who told you?" I whispered. If Niall was around, I didn't want him to hear.

"Jay told me," he replied. "She just didn't tell me who it was with."

"Niall," I told him miserably.

"I had a feeling. Why didn't you use protection?"

"It happened too fast!"

"That's what she said." I let out a frustrated sigh as I pushed past a smirking Harry. I went to my room and flopped down on my bed. I was tired. I flipped off the light switch. I was almost completely asleep when I heard my door open. I instantly woke up. I had no idea who was coming in my room, but if they so dared touched Stephano I was going to beat their arse.

"Thaila?" I heard Niall whisper. I let out a sigh. What did he want?

"What Niall?" I grumbled.

"Can I sleep with you?" he asked sheepishly.

"Why not sleep with your so called 'princess?'" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Amber kicked me out of my room."

"Sleep on the couch."

"I don't want to sleep in the couch." I jumped out of my bed.

"Maybe you should've thought of that before you replaced me!" I shouted at him.

"You replaced me!" he spat back.

"That's only because you replaced me first with a slut!" I cried. Tears flowed freely from my eyes. Niall's face softened.

"Thaila," he began, but I didn't want to hear it. I was done for the night. I pushed him out of my room and closed the door. I slid to the floor, practically dying inside. I had to keep my sobs quiet. Didn't want anyone to get too suspicious do we? I went over to the mirror above my dresser. I looked terrible. I got dressed in a tank and sweatpants. I looked at myself again through the mirror.

I groaned. My bump was starting to get a bit noticeable. It's almost been a month. Or over a month. I was too tired to calculate. I went back into my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Allos bros :D My chappies are getting longer! That's probably because Mark's on vacation. Is that because I'm a little stalker? Trick question. No! It's because he's the one I stalk. So uh... Yea..... Wanna hear a story? Alright! Me and my friend stayed up like, all yesterday night like until 12 pm drawing pokemon. She drew them and I outlined and colored them because I can't draw worth crap. I'm having mini pizzas for dinna! Hurray! I shall now get on Minecraft and finish my school. Or build something else. Or MINE FOR DIAMONDS LIKE A BLAWK! I rickrolled my friend Cheyenne today :3 I told her One Direction had a new song and played Never Gonna Give You Up. She didn't like that very much.... Oh well! BUT UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPPIE....... Where's that smile?

Give Me Love (A Niall Horan Fan Fic) *SEQUEL TO ILWMEBNH*Where stories live. Discover now