UNIT LOG - Tanner

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DESC- SAM - We're not entirely sure he exists.
CLASSIFICATION: (Corrupted) Human
QUOTE: "I know Nothing."
POWER LOG: Noclipping, Phasing, Teleportation, Not Existing?.
PRONOUNS?: A/Threat (He/Him)
AGE: Unknown; Appearance Wise, Thirty-ish?

We've lost Tanner on multiple occasions, nowhere to be found. This has even happened after being placed into a magnetized room; we had assumed he vanished similarly to David's strange magnetic teleportation. Nope. He still vanished, appearing only after there was a documentary on planes playing on the TV in his room. We've tried following him, but have never seen him vanish. He only vanishes when nobody is looking.
- Quantum physics? Schrodinger's Tanner? Is he just vanishing because nothing is looking at him, or is it something to do with being discreet? We still have no clue. Even the other units, including similar entities like ⁠David and ⁠Aster are freaked out by Tanner's nature when it comes to vanishing. - CHLOE

Upon some extended study, we've concluded entity tanner to engage in parallel play, but not mirror these behaviors in his solo or otherwise everyday life; he'll copy someone, then never exhibit the behavior again. this is, indeed, a strange occurrence, and we are yet to question him about it.
- Theories among the CRS behavioral staff for the absence of behavioral mirroring outside of the original activity include once exhibiting the mirroring, he finds he likes the way he did it originally better, or not wanting to show he was engaging the the mirroring in the first place.
- Study ⁠David's behaviors for any similarities; might conclude something to do with non-human-to-human mirroring. - DOMINO

On multiple occasions, Tanner has mentioned wanting to "go home" or some variant of expressing the desire to simply leave. He has made no apparent move to go to this "home," and so no one has tried to stop him, but no one has encouraged him to leave either. We've not yet questioned him on this location, or why he wants to leave the CRS, but it doesn't seem to be that pressing of an issue to him, as he most likely could have left by now.
- Some colony he came from? A group of UZP:000_000 entities we haven't encountered? Or a potential dimension he inhabited before ending up in the null realm? - DOMINO

After investigations, we learned that Tanner is a master of self change. He can instantaneously change the biology and physical traits about himself, letting the reality around him bend, which is why he can so easily navigate the backrooms. A being with no rules in a realm with no rules. Easy. He does however keep to a simple, humanoid form. We asked, he shrugged. - CHLOE

Tanner's ability to phase through walls will also transport him into the null realm or the mediate realm if he wishes. No tests with any of the units or equipment have been able to replicate this, meaning it's most certainly a strange ability that only Tanner himself possesses. He doesn't seem to mind taking people with him, so we may send one of the units with him into one of those realms. - MICHAEL

On any and all scouting missions we've instituted, we've asked Tanner to join to navigate and oversee, along with a handful of CRS staff and usually another unit. We've found that the unit is quite capable of traversing and navigating through and between dimensions and fragments, and is slowly learning the dimensional limits of our staff and units. he can't particularly scout lost units, but he can keep the teams from getting lost. - DOMINO

Tanner has requested we start referring to the null realm as the backrooms, the mediate realm as the midrooms and our reality as the front rooms. May we do so? - GENE
- Name change accepted. - THE BOSS

Were assuming that much like the backrooms, Tanner is a deleted human or an 'unused asset.'

We've learned from him that every 'level' of the backrooms has a frontrooms equivalent except for level zero and its sublevels. - MICHAEL

Tanner's staff have suggested we start a CRS colony in the backrooms so he's not so lonely when he goes there. Should we? - CHLOE
- CRS colony request denied. - THE BOSS

Tanner has commented on seeing things others can't see; he calls them ghosts. Possible ghostly-plane sight that nobody has or PTSD response or just a prank? - CHLOE

Tanner has been trying to figure out if he has any more powers and he has been trying to use his "unknown powers" but he has found none so far he continues to experiment. - GENE

It has now been noted that Tanner can decide whether or not he wants to exist and can change the status of his existence at will; This Schrödinger's switch (unofficial name) can be passed onto other objects, meaning Tanner can control the perceived and possibly the actual existence of items around him. 
We have also seen that he now has the ability to create redundant or forgotten items. Most commonly he will create New Coke of all things. When asked, he simply said that it's his favorite soda. (But why?) - CHLOE

When Planes come into the conversation, Tanner will become completely invested in the conversation, to the point where he will forget anything he was doing before. Possible stimuli for memories of a past life, or something else? - AMANDA

After recent studies, it has been shown that Tanner does not become intangible when he goes through an object, the object he is travelling through becomes intangible instead. The object will, of course, return to normal after he passes through it. - DOMINO
- Tanner can choose whether or not to keep the object tangible after passing through it. - CHRIS
- Maybe he simple changes the tangibility of space-time when he's passing through it? - MICHAEL
- Maybe. - GENE

If Tanner is to turn on the other units, they are to start talking about random subjects, or planes, to confuse him. If done successfully, he will be too dazed to continue in the fight and will proceed with what he was doing like normal. - DOMINO
If this does not work, he is to be fired with a stabilization gun (blueprints pending) and thrown into a stabilization cell (blueprints pending). - THE BOSS

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