5 The cold forest

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Maleficent POV's

I've been walking for half an hour at this point, and I still haven't quite understood why I was the one that had to go looking for Hades, Uliana and Morgie blabbed something about trying to mend things or something like that, but I honestly couldn't care less, plus I was asleep what am I suppose to know or understand, as I protest in my head I arrive at the nearby forest, if he isn't here either than i'm done with this search, it is pretty humid and cold place this forest, and I'm not the biggest fan of that, after five more minutes of searching I was about to give up, but a ray of blue light caught my attention at the last minute.

Hades is in front of a little pond throwing little rays of blue fire on the surface of the water, creating an amusing game of lights "wow" I say to get his attention, he turn around surprised "uh? what are you doing here?" he ask confused "I frankly don't know either, the others told me that I could help you sort things out with Hook or something, but I don't even know how" I explain and he chuckle, he look at me for a brief second sitting by the feet of the nearest tree, that look was indescribable, shivers running down my back after meeting his blue eyes filled with so many emotions that not even one was readable; I seat next to him looking at his expression for a little trying to understand what he was feeling, but nothing came out of that, it was like a mask.

"I know I'm beautiful sweety but you're gonna drain my beauty like this" he says, I wide my eyes "mh? wha..? what? nah ah, sorry but you are reading this all wrong" I say taken off guard "mh yea as you wish sweetheart" he reply cocky way, I shrug off his comment "ugh, anyway... about what happened in class..." I try to start the conversation, his look immediately drop "mhmh" he just acknowledge my question "do you wanna tell me about it? is it that hash?" I ask trying to be as emphatic as possible since is not one of my best abilities, he shake his head "is.. is really nothing, I was just a dick to him and I don't even know why" I look at him confused "you don't know?" he turns his sight on me getting a little closer "no, and is frustrating, I didn't actually meant that" He says, I never saw him in this way, so vulnerable and sentimental, it's strange, it feels strange, I hate to say it but this sweetness is... is beautiful, there is a connection now, I don't even know how to explain this because is new, i never experienced something like this before, I stare in his eyes caressing his cheek "yea I get it, but you don't have to rush for an answer, it will come to you sooner or later and you two will work it out" I end with a tiny smile, I have never done something like this to anyone in my life, I can't even understand why I did that, but it felt right "I hope so" he smile back.

After that we didn't say anything else, we stayed there, with the cold breeze brushing on our skin looking in each other eyes, both out of words to add, but there wasn't need for them, the place, the moment, that was enough to fill what words couldn't,  for a moment our eyes lost contact, he took off his jacked giving it to me "there is no need really..." I say now looking at the water in front of us, he gently place his cold hand on my cheek making me meet his gaze once more "your cheek are completely red and i doubt is because of my charm, so wear it" I chuckle a little at his joke and silently agree putting it on, we don't break eye contact not even for a second, I skip a beat, he gets closer to me, just inches away from my face, I can feel his warm breath on my skin, I can hear is heartbeat racing and I'm hoping he can't hear mine that is beating incredibly fast, I feel my heart sink as he gently move his hand on the back of my head to move my dark hair from the inside of the jacket; we don't dare to move, there is a breathtaking tension but we are lost in each other eyes, he reach to take my shaking hand; we are now one breath away from each other when...

Ok I have to admit it, i loved writing this chapter (not sorry for the cliffhanger tho :)

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