8 Stupid advice

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Maleficent POV

I woke up the next day still in shock for what happened yesterday in the forest, so many emotions all at once and I'm still feeling dizzy and confused, and to all that the fact that I was half awake and HE picked me up and tucked me in last night wasn't helping me understand this feeling thing very easily, I've never been loved by anyone in my life, nor a parental kind of love, or a friend like love, imagine a lover kind of love, I can only imagine what any of these are like.

The rest of the day was passing pretty normally, with boring lessons and annoying teachers talking about stuff I couldn't care less, I was even alone for all of them since my schedule and my friends ones were completely different, not even a single class together, how fun.

Hades POV

"HAHAHAHAHA I KNEW IT YESS" I roll my eyes at my friends exultation "zip it, NOW, and if you don't want to do so at least use your mouth to give me some advices" I honestly don't know why i told this to Morgie, Uliana is her roommate and James (hook for context) has some good flirting skills... Morgie... well he is funny? ok I think I fucked up telling him that I like Mal "ok ok mmm so i have a little idea on what you could do to give her some hints, you know see if there might be some feelings back" he says smiling while mushing me with his elbow, I roll my eyes at him once again "ugh ok tell me lover boy, what can I do"

Maleficent POV

Finally this atrocious  school day is over, I go to my room to put down my books and relax a bit, as I get in I notice a little envelope that has been slid under the door, I pick it up when "AAAAHHH AAAAAAAH" Uliana scream, I jump scared to death, i didn't even noticed her in here "what? what is going on?!" I ask running to her "a... a SPIDER AAAAA KILL THAT BEAST" I look at her eyes wide open "seriously? all of this for a little spider?" I ask annoyed "SHUT UP AND KILL IT" I scoff and stomp on the spider "happy now?" I say as I sit on my bed trying to open the little envelope "yes very much, these thing are ugly and deadly, I hate them.. what do you have in your hands?" Uliana ask sitting next to me "idk I found it just now on the floor" she smirks "do you know anything about this?" I ask not trusting her "it might seems odd, but for once I have no clue" mh... she seems true as she speaks, oh well, I ignore that and open the envelope

"Hello Mistress of All Evil, would be interested in coming to see me at the basketball court this afternoon? My best regards... and a blue fire as a signature...."

I read out loud and Uliana burst out laughing "what in the world is this? Hedes would never write something like this!" I say confused "oh god this was hilarious" says Uliana in between breaths "must be a prank, o well" I put down the little letter "no no go and see if he is being for real, you have nothing better to do" I give her a dirty look... well she is not wrong about it tho "mmmm ok I guess I'll go and check that out" I get up with the little letter in my hand putting it in my pocket "see you later" I say leaving the room heading to the court.

As I walk near the bleachers a familiar voice greets me"oh hi beauty wasn't expecting to see you here..." 

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