2 A boring class

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A few weeks later...

Maleficent POV's

The Sun once again woke me up, it was a lost cause now fighting with it, and very annoyed I got up, I still despise everything from this place, just like the first moment I step in here, these ugly pink rooms, the teachers, how 80% of the kids here are all goody goods and don't do anything wrong, may my mother be dammed for forcing me to study here to learn how to use my powers, the only positive thing now is that I made some "friends"? I don't even know how to define them, I never had any so is something pretty new to me, but I was feeling good with them, after a few awkward days we got to know each other and they seems cool, I still haven't opened up much tho, I mainly listen and I'm good with this.

As I'm lost in my own thoughts I got dressed, put on some makeup carelessly and waited for Uliana to get ready, she is my almost polar opposite, and I admire her boldness and her extroversity, I really hope to change this (and honestly many others) part of me, yea, even if I don't show it much I'm extremely insecure and I hide this by just staying silent as much as I can.

"Let's go" Uliana wakes me up from my thoughts and we both got out our room; our ways separates in the main hall, I have no clue if she would go to class or not, but I still didn't want detention yet and these fay lessons I had to attend were mandatory and in a way or another I had to take them.

The hours went by super slowly, but it was finally the las hour before lunch, I finally had a normal subject that I couldn't care less for, I entered my class and to my surprise Hades and Hook were there too.

"Hey there beautiful" Hook greets me from his and Hades desk "would you like to join us?" He says getting up and taking my hand "um.. yes ok" I quietly say, I have to admit, his behavior was kinda weird and it was freaking me out a little, but I guess he's just like this with everyone "hi Mal" says Hades as I sit in between the two boys "hi" I say smiling a little at him "ugh hate science is so sooo boring" Hook starts commenting and complain ad he scrape the desk with his hook; not even five minutes in the lesson I completely fall asleep with my head on my crossed arms.

Hiii I swear the next chapters will be longer :(  is that it's 2 AM and my ability to write something with more detail is completely gone

The Darkest Love Maleficent X HadesWhere stories live. Discover now