11 Enchanted

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Hades POV

I was roaming around a bit in panic, what if she doesn't show up? what if I say some bullshit? what if I... I don't know throw her in the lake cuz I go crazy? ugh this situation is eating me alive, and this walking in circles is making me dizzy, as soon as I stop her beautiful figure appear from the trees, I'm flabbergasted, she actually came here and... wow she is stunning, so stunning that words are struggling to come out "oh... hi" I say in one rushed breath, she smiles a bit at me "hi" I get closer to her offering her my hand helping her down the rocks surrounding the lake, she takes my hand, so gently and her hand is so soft that just by that touch i'm melting.

We both sit in the circle of stone where I placed a blanket, we stayed in silence for a while, I know she has many questions and I have so much to say to her but I'm not ready yet, "I'm happy you came.." I say in a quiet tone "oh of course I would, I was intrigued by all of this honestly" i smile at her "did I chose a nice place than?" she nods "is beautiful, I never saw it before" I take some courage and finally look back at her "I spent so much time exploring this forest while ditching school, there are so many places like this one" she chuckle "oh yea I can tell, you are never in class, I my self skip many lessons but you are at a whole another level" I raise my hand "oh yes, I find exploring this place ten times better than spending my time with annoying people blabbing all day" she looks me in the eyes "you are right, today was hell, you did a good thing by skipping, everyone was so exited and all about Castlecoming" I scoff "oh yea I head about it" we slowly get closer, our arms now touching "is such no sense, like how can you be so excited for a bullshit like that" I silently nod at her looking away, good she think is useless "well I never went to something like that, maybe is that good, who know" she kept "in a future... who knows, I might get the chance" 

Ugh this is the perfect moment, c'mon Hades ask her, I feel paralyzed, her presence so strong and powerful over me is holding me back, the only thing I can bring myself to do is just getting closer and loosing myself in her eyes, a smile is growing on her face and is making al of this ten times more hard for me, she start getting closer herself too, intertwining our hands, such a simple thing that is making me explode inside, she has so much power over me and she has no idea, I would give her my heart with no hesitation if i could; our foreheads are now touching, I feel her slow breath on me, our noses are in contact, only an inch separating our lips, I take a deep breath "I.. I was wondering" I whisper on her lips, "if you would..." our lips now brushed on one another for a brief second sending shivers down my spine, and I could tell that she had the same reaction, I forgot what I was asking, God she is really messing with my head by doing absolutely nothing "I wanted to ask you if you wanted..."


Oh are you fucking serious, her phone started ringing, we break that so desired contact "oh God sorry, a second" she looks so guilty as she gets the call, and honestly she looks even more cute like that, I can't really be mad at her for this, I hear some screams on the other line and I look at her confused, "ok ok calm down I'm coming Jesus" she hangs up "I'm incredibly sorry Uliana is loosing her mind over something I have to.." she says frantically "hey hey is good really it was amazing either way, we can reschedule this" I say reassuring her, she smile at me as she start getting away "thank you really, it was amazing, oh and like the thing you wanted to ask me.." I stop her "is nothing really, go now" I wave at her as she gets more distant, I than turn around still a bit frustrated, when I see Uliana I'm gonna kill her really, everything was perfect and it got ruined, once again.

Maleficent POV

It was feeling like a dream, and in a second puff it was all over, Uliana I'm gonna insult you so bad once I see you, I was so hoping for him to ask me out but once again is all just my stupid imagination, it will never happen, why couldn't I stay stuck in that that moment with him, it was perfect, but like for everything in my life it gets ruined; I open the door still mad "what happen now" Uliana is still panicking "A SPIDER" my eyes widen in anger "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? YOU RUINED THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE FOR A SPIDER" I angrily walk to the spider and stomp on it "oh c'mon I'm sorry I didn't mean it" my eyes flashes green as I look at her "zip it before I set this room on fire" she stays quite as I grab my spell book and leave the room.

I'm so mad in this moment I can't think straight, I'm still overwhelmed, my perfect moment was ruined like that, I sit alone by a tree not far from the dorms still replaying in my minds what happened with Hades before, the only thing I want to do now is crying in frustration in his arms,, a little tear escape my eye and it lands on the page where I placed his quirky letters, I smile a little with my eyes full of tears and I write under them.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you

Now tears are silently streaming down my face, I take deep breaths holding the spell book and the thought of him close to me trying to calm down, I se a blurry figure approaching, getting closer to me and gently wiping away some tears "hey beautiful why those tears..."

UGH IT TOOK ME AGES TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER, I've been postponing it for ages but I made it lol, are y'all enjoying the story?? I'll soon talk about happened in the movie with a twist tho :) thank you for everything for nowwww and sorry for the english I'm trying so hard to get better at describing without repeating myself too much

The Darkest Love Maleficent X HadesWhere stories live. Discover now