16 Lake of love

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Hades POV's

The two of us walked for a while, I knew where we were heading, how could I forget, but during this very rocky trip I didn't said a word, I was just listening to her heartbeat matching the fast beat of mine, her breath uneven causing her cheek to get slightly red, our bodies were never this close for this amount of time and it was making me go completely crazy, so many times I had to stop myself to turn her around making her face me to give her this damn kiss.

"here we are" I was indeed right, we arrived right were we spent one of the most magical moments of our life.. or better, mine, she had to go away but it still was amazing and the only thing in my mind playing in loop over and over again; "I read that the water of the enchanted lake has like a healing power, give it a try" I looked at her a bit confused and unsure, but hey who am I to disagree with such beauty "mh.. ok I'll give it a try" I took off my shoes and clothes staying only in my underwear, I could feel her eyes all over me, the consciousness of this just makes me shiver, I slowly make my way to the water hoping to both heal these wounds and cool off the emotions she was making me feel; 

I'm now completely immersed in the water, feeling all my wounds slowly disappear "I think is working" I say going underwater just to resurface a few second laters facing towards her smiling "I'm glad about it" she says smiling back placing her hands on her hips, I start floating on my back "you know the water is wonderful, you should get in" is now or never, I decide to listen to Morgie's advice and try one last time "mh I don't know, I'm not the biggest fan of the water, and I don't have a swimsuit" 

She says taking a few steps ahead getting closer to me "oh c'mon I swear I won't let you drown or anything, and neither did I had a swimsuit, but I'm still enjoying this" she looks at me a bit unsure "pleaseeee" I ask her while doing puppy eyes, causing her to burst out laughing "hahahahahha ok ok but don't ever do these puppy eyes again, they are killing me" I look at her offended "hey what's up with my perfectly fine puppy eyes, you are just a hater" she laughs even harder "ahahshahhahaha stop this or you are going to kill me right here, turn around now before I change my idea" I raise my hands in a surrendering way "as you wish beauty" I say turning around.

Maleficent POV's

I don't even know why I agreed with this, I'm probably going crazy, and the fact that in my mind right now there is only the image of him getting in the water is probably the main reason why I agreed, "as you wish beauty" he says turning around just in time to avoid seeing me blushing, God the things that I feel when he calls me like that, I take a deep breath regaining some cool and changed, I gotta be honest, I just want to bury myself in the ground in this moment, and my face is probably as red as a tomato, but I can't let him catch this, if he does and start making comments and appreciations about this I really might die right here right now, I see him turn around and for a few seconds we stay in a complete silence.

"oh.. wow.. you are beautiful... em.. yea..." I see his ears growing red making me chuckle "thanks" I say looking down, I look up for a brief second and Hades is still staring with his eyes completely lost and mouth wide open causing me to laugh, he shakes a bit getting out of his thoughts "c'mon the water is amazing" he says handing me his hand but I shake my head "oh no, I'm getting in carefully and slowly, what if is too cold" he scoff "as you want as you want" he says with a little grin on his face, I slowly make my way to the edge of the circle of stone crouched, and have a look at the crystal clear water "well is really cleAAAAAAAAAAAA"

I close my eyes as I'm getting dragged in the water, I resurface completely in shock gasping for air "YOU ASSHOLE" I scream in between breaths, as I struggle floating; I feel his hands strongly gripping my waist causing me to shiver "ahshahha we both know that if I haven't done this you would have took ages getting in" I roll my eyes "yea, probably, but still, this was a bitch move" he chuckles "hey be nice cuz I'm the one making you float at the moment, I actually thought you knew how to swim" I shake my head "I do, but I really suck at it, but I have all the right to be pissed at you"

Hades POV's

She says pointing on my chest as she wraps her leg around my torso causing me to smile like fool once again, looking at her is like drug to me, she is so effortlessly beautiful that it makes me speechless, I could stare at her for hours and never get tired, she has something in her, in her actions, in her appearance, in her eyes, in her smile... that is so unique and captivating that I can't do anything else if not glue my eyes on her and admire every inch of her mesmerizing beauty. 

I close my eyes and focus on the moment once more "well if you really want to stay mad than.." I let out my grip on her waist, she immediately flinches wrapping her arms on my neck "no no no" she says holding on to me tight, saying that i'm having the butterflies isn't even comparable, I have a whole swarm of butterflies fighting one another, I wrap my arms around her keeping her close to me, I feel her heart beating against mine as we stay in this tight hug.

We slowly rise from the hug now looking in each others eyes, I would stay like this for hours studying the green colored maze in her sparkling eyes as she holds on to me, I feel her hand slowly caressing the back of my head, it is just amazing all of this, I take a deep breath "do.. do you have your phone with you now" I say trying not to stutter, she sign no with her head still looking me deep in my eyes, this answer casing me a big smile "why?" she says whispering close to my lips, I close my eyes from the deep shivers this made me feel, I gently make our foreheads touch, only a breath now separating us "cuz... I wanted to do this two times already... and I don't want anything or anyone to interrupt it now" her eyes sparkling more as she hears my words, our heartbeats the only sound we can hear with the gentle wind moving the leafs around us, my grip on her tightens, her hands gently making their way on the back of my head as she start playing with my hair, I couldn't wait any longer now

I close my eyes and hold her even closer to me, her arms now around my neck pushing me slowly forward, our breaths now dancing together....

Yea... sorry i really thought i would write everything in a chapter but I warned you that I'm a bitch that loves cliffhangers, plus the next chapter will be a gift for my bday for y'all, so see you very soon and sorry again, who knows if this time they'll make it  :)

(lol I'm not sorry even a bit)

The Darkest Love Maleficent X HadesWhere stories live. Discover now