13 Don't play with fire

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Maleficent POV

I'm walking down the hallway with Uliana by my side, we ditched class today wanting to mess a bit some kids, not even five minutes after we approached they ran away in tears, we both were still laughing about it "Mal about yesterday.." I stopped laughing looking at her "yea what?" she keeps looking straight ahead "James's behavior..." she says quietly "mh what about it" I'm pretty confused by the topic, I could tell that she was kinda confused yesterday when I told her what happened but she didn't said much mainly because I was exhausted, but I still find it weird that she brought up this topic now, she lets out a deep breath before talking again "don't you find it a bit... weird?" I chuckle a bit "I know we are villains and all but... no? I honestly think he Just did a nice thing, like a good friend does" she looks a bit unsure by my answer "yeah... friends" I start getting annoyed "yea, we grew closer in the last few months and became good friends, nothing more" 

She scoff "I'm more than sure that for you he is just a friend, I can tell that you are completely head over heels for Hades and is the same for him.." I interrupt her "I honestly think.." but she shush me "wait a moment jeez, I know you don't believe my words, and that he is completely blind for not noticing how you are crazy are for him, but at least he is trying, but you... girl you are twice as blind as him, not only you are not noticing how hard he is trying to get with you, but you are not noticing how James is doing the exact same thing" ok now this was making me upset, we were now almost running from the tension "are you being for real? I wont talk about the Hades situation, but really? James? is not what it seems" she rolls her eyes at me "oh yea? what makes you so sure about that mh? he is flirting with you Mal, open your eyes" she was crossing the line now, I'm completely loosing my cool, my eyes turning a bright green "BECAUSE HE LIKES..."


Fuck I was about to spill his secret, thank god for the scream I guess; we didn't realize we arrived at the indoor garden of the school, so many students were circling the middle screaming and hyping up whatever was happening "what who does he l.." I cut her off ignoring her by grabbing her arm and entering the circle to see what was happening "oh fuck" I say under my breath, I see Morgie screaming at Hades and James beating the shit out each other "what the hell?" Uliana screams at the two of them and with her tentacles she divides them, everyone starter running away both because the fight stopped, and because some teachers were called.

The five of us ran off near the forest, as far as we could form anyone else; Uliana drop both of them on the ground... they were in pretty bad shape honestly, James is full of burns, with a bloody nose and lip, and Hades with a thon of bruises and cuts made by the hook "what the fuck got to you two?!" Uliana screamed at them, none of them dared to talk, James is in pure pain, Morgie is as pale as a ghost still in shock about that happened, Hades however got up "I'm done" he simply said walking away as fast as he could limping a bit, Uliana rolled her eyes "mmh ouch aaa" James was mumbling in pain "um ok, Maleficent can you go check on Hades before he burns the whole school down, me and Morgie will bring James to the Black lagoon to do something with his burns" I nod walking away "oh and remember we are still not over with the talk of before" I scoff still annoyed "you will spend some time with the individual concerned, ask him if you wanna know so bad" and with that I was once again looking for a furious Hades, and if I think about what happened last times I get goosebumps.

In all honesty I'm a bit unsure about some terms I used, I didn't know how to translate them in english without making it sound weird or wrong lol, and in like 8 days is my bday yeee I'll get frighteningly old, I'm not ready yet :( with that said I hope you enjoyed this chapter and get ready for the next one, like have a tea or something to relax before reading it, I warned you.

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