18 Her again

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As the weeks passed, their love and their penchant for wickedness seemed to grow in perfect harmony, each nourishing the other as though they were two sides of the same coin. It was as if their union had ignited a long-sought spark, one that had lain dormant, waiting for this precise moment to burst into life. This relationship, intense and consuming, gave them with a newfound confidence, a boldness that neither had possessed alone. Together, they discovered an untapped well of mischief and daring within themselves, a latent potential that only the other could unlock. With every shared glance, every whispered scheme, they became more than they ever were before partners in crime, yes, but also kindred spirits who drew out the best, and the worst, in each other. In one another, they found the catalyst that transformed them into the most authentic, powerful versions of themselves, fully embracing the depths of their desires and the extent of their ambitions. Their bond was the key to unleashing their true selves, and in that discovery, they reveled, knowing that they were now unstoppable, or kinda. 

They remained somewhat in the shadow of Uliana, content to play the role of her sidekicks. It didn't bother them much, though, as long as they were causing trouble together. In truth, they found a certain thrill in their mischievous escapades, knowing that the chaos they created was their own form of rebellion. Perhaps, deep down, they didn't always listen to what she told them, choosing instead to follow their own instincts and doing as they wish. Their loyalty to Uliana was genuine, they really enjoy her's and the others company, but it's enough that the two love birds are together and everything is fine.

Maleficent POV's

A lesson has just ended, and the five of us are making our way down the hallways, the usual buzz of chatter surrounding us. Yet, my attention drifts far from the conversations ahead. Hades and I linger a few steps behind the others, wrapped in our own little world. We're holding hands, our fingers intertwined as if they've always belonged together, and with each step, we exchange fleeting, tender glances that speak volumes without the need for words. There's a quiet admiration in the way we look at each other, a shared understanding that has blossomed so naturally between us.

These past few weeks have been nothing short of a revelation an experience unlike anything I've ever known. The emotions coursing through me are entirely new, a blend of joy and warmth that I never imagined possible. Hades has made me feel so profoundly loved and understood in a way that I can barely put into words. Every moment with him, every touch, and every compliment he bestows upon me sends a wave of warmth through my entire being, making me melt with happiness. He's not just amazing he's everything I could ever hope for and more: caring, honest, and absolutely perfect in every sense.

Even now, as we walk together, the familiar flutter of butterflies dances in my stomach, a delightful reminder of how deeply I'm in love. Each time I'm near him, it's as if the world fades away, leaving just the two of us in our own perfect bubble. I feel as though I'm floating on cloud nine, utterly consumed by this love that has taken hold of me so completely. I've never been so happy or felt so incredibly lucky to have someone like him in my life. Being with Hades is like living in a beautiful dream, one that I never want to wake up from, and with each passing day, I find myself falling for him even more.

"Guys, look who's over there," Uliana suddenly halted, her sharp eyes locking onto the school's inner garden. She pointed with a certain intensity, drawing the rest of us to a scene that could only be described as absurd. "What on earth is that pink, bubbly balloon doing?" James asked with a laugh, his voice laced with disbelief. His gaze followed Uliana's pointing finger, settling on the sight before us. There, in the middle of the garden, was Bridget—dancing, singing, and jumping about with reckless abandon, her bright pink outfit almost glowing under the midday sun. She was handing out cupcakes to everyone she passed, her cheerful demeanor so exaggerated it was almost painful to watch.

"Giving out sweets? Again?!" Morgie groaned, his irritation evident as he watched Bridget prance around like a character straight out of a children's show. The forced sweetness in Bridget's actions seemed to grate on Morgie, who had little patience for such displays of exaggerated positivity. But Uliana's expression was one of wicked amusement rather than annoyance. There was a certain glint in her eye, a spark that told me she was already plotting something. "I think it's our time to shine and give her a little reality check on her own terms," she declared, a sly smile curling at the edges of her lips as she began making her way toward the garden with purpose in her step.

I hesitated for a moment, glancing back at Hades with a raised eyebrow. "Do we actually have to sing and do all that ridiculous nonsense?" I asked, hoping he'd share my reluctance to partake in whatever spectacle Uliana was about to orchestrate. Hades scoffed, the sound low and dismissive, but there was a spark of curiosity in his eyes. "Oh, well, I'm just curious to see what the hell Uliana has in mind. I have a feeling this is going to be entertaining," he said, a slow, mischievous smirk spreading across his face. He had that look one that told me he was already anticipating the chaos to come. "Now, my beauty, let's go and have some fun," he added, his tone dripping with playful confidence. He raised my hand to his lips, pressing a light, lingering kiss on it that sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.

With that, we both moved toward the garden, the sound of our footsteps mingling with the distant melody of Bridget's singing. As we approached, the scene grew more surreal; Bridget was still in full swing, her voice lilting as she handed out cupcakes with a beaming smile. The other students, caught between amusement and bewilderment, accepted her offerings with uncertain smiles.

Uliana led the way, her pace quick and determined, as if she were on a mission. There was a buzz of anticipation in the air, a sense that something significant something inevitable was about to unfold. I could see the gears turning in Uliana's mind, her plan forming as we drew closer to Bridget's saccharine spectacle.

"Whatever Uliana has in store," I thought, "it's bound to be unforgettable and knowing us, it's probably going to leave a lasting impression on everyone involved." Hades and I exchanged a final look, a shared understanding passing between us. We both knew that this was just the beginning of whatever mischief was about to ensue. As we stepped into the garden, joining the throng of students still humming along to Bridget's overly cheerful tune, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. This was our world, where mischief and mayhem thrived and we were about to make sure it stayed that way.

Hook: Look for a hand find a golden hook
Captain of the seas, I got 'em all shook

Morgie: Son of Morgana, serpentine
Morgie's the name, better run and hide

Hades: Hades here from the fiery depths

Maleficent: Sharp as a thorn, I'm Maleficent

Morgie: Now for the hottest , the goddess of darkness
Here she comes,

Hook and Morgie: Uliana

Uliana: I'm not your everyday villain (Grah)
I'm taking souls for a living
Got a torturous mind full of evil designs
I could grind up your bones in a minute
Down the darkest steps of the sea
The scariest things are scared of me
Say, "Uliana," and I'll watch them flee

Bridget: (She's Ursula's baby sister)

Chloe and Red: (Okay)

All: The sun shines a little more brightly
The dark side's a little enticing
It's all gonna turn out nicely
With just a taste of your heart
It's likely
We'll make it all much more frightening
Just mix it up, you'll keep finding
That life is sweeter when you are
Seeing things brightly
When you take things a little more lightly
Just mix it up, you'll keep finding
That life is sweeter when you are

Hi, sorry for disappearing for the last week, but with the birthday and a lot of other things I've been super busy, but I'm back, as an excuse I already have the next chapter ready, now we are following the plot of the movie a bit, hope y'all like it :)

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