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The animatronics' chit-chat wasn't subtle in the slightest, at least they weren't just going to throw them at their problems like someone he knew. The perpetrator was curled in on herself just across from them, being cradled by the chicken like she was the Janitor clutching one of his many hoarded dolls or clanging monkey toys. Chica whispered promises that she'd be okay and that the machine's would get her out alive and well through her purple Fazwatch. He and Six never stopped glaring at the back of her head while holding hands and sorting through their equipment, at least one always watching the liar as the other glanced to the side to make sure the curtains were undisturbed. He kept his Helpi wrench close, tracing his claw along the rock axe head's sharp edge. His partner unstrapped the bright orange Faz-a-pult from her oily raincoat and offered it to Bailey as a trade (she'll end up needing that after this!). The teenager had splayed her arm over their shoulders while eyeing the small crack in the closet door, trying to listen in on Freddy and Roxy's meeting before getting distracted by Six's mute bartering. Her metal bat would be useful but it was too big, unbalanced, better suited for their hostess. She was lacking a ranged option, though, so either of her shanks were fair game. Six picked the smaller, more lethal scalpel and handed it to him, it'd be easier to cut with than the stone axe and a better sidearm than the screwdriver in the bottom of his pipe. Bailey could more than make do with the box cutter blade for intimidating and self-defense against the competition and her bat would clearly be more than enough against real threats, at least until she got the time to make another weapon. Besides (even if something would go wrong now that Six handed off her slinger and rubber balls), the Nightmare who could turn to mist in the blink of an eye and move through anything hardly needed a ranged weapon and Bailey's jacket's pockets were better suited to holding the ammo than the inside of a corrupted raincoat. As far as they were aware, Cassie still had that special Fazer-Blaster stuffed in her backpack. He'd appreciate the chance to snag that for Six if the opportunity presented itself. 

They quickly raised their fingers to shush Chica and Cassie as something in the distance oozed and slithered. It took a few minutes for Bailey, (that traitor) Cassandra, and the guitarist to be able to hear the intruder as well. The whole group made the same motion to Freddy and Roxanne when they noisily shoved open the jammed door (They just gave us away!). Their Dad-bot and the wolf ducked down as if they were hiding their presence from the approaching monster behind Roxy's drawn curtain. Mono slowly got up and crept to the covered window, pressing his ear as close to the fabric as he could without disturbing it. It wasn't making any specific noises, no voices to differentiate between the Blob and clown-faced Daemons. His small investigation was ended by the sound of Six's talons clicking on her Marionette Fazwatch. He joined in, peering over her shoulder and following her lead as they looked at the camera options. The Tangle greeted them, slithering through Rockstar Row much more cautiously than it was when they returned. Long cords crawled along the walls and covered the sliding panels to the Glamrocks' greenrooms, though soon retreated with the main head as it found nothing to attack or devour. Much of its leech-like mass graced the handful of accessible cameras, stuck together with black glue and tying together many assorted animatronics of many characters and designs. I wonder what these look like to Sisi. Cassie was doing the same, eyes wide with minuscule pupils pinned to her watch. Only she was locked onto the abomination out of abject terror, knowing a single sound or whimper could let it know they were all stuck in a small, cramped room, he and Six weren't so vulnerable. They used the short time the monster was on-camera to take in every available detail; memorizing all the exposed machines and stiff, rusted parts poking out of the main body, and comparing them to the portions they'd seen previously. Keeping track of what sections they'd encountered, what parts they'd dismembered, what animatronic corpses could come alive to attack them, and any notable weak points would be important for their and Bailey's survival. 

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