Chapter 6: Vampire Ball

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I'm sorry that I had to squish SO many characters onto one photo because wattpad doesn't allow more than one photo upload! 😞😫😭 So you're gonna have to zoom into the picture to look at the characters more closely. I searched endlessly to find the BEST animated photos to fit my characters! Hope you guys like them and their names! 😊💞


Alice's POV (THERE YOU GO! 😅😭)

As I walked closer to him and stood still in front of him, his eyes were still glued down at me. I slightly smiled with my lips closed, trying to not be awkward and waiting for him to speak.

"Oh...and who may you be?" His male vampire friend, I'm assuming, broke the silence. His friend stared at him with one raised eyebrow, expecting an answer.

"O-oh um, t-this is..." He and I both exchanged glances. Hah, who's the one stuttering now? I held my chuckle in.

"Alice. I'm Alice." I smiled with lips closed at the vampire friend. "And you are?" I asked him, blinking.

"I'm Zyler. It's nice to meet you, Alice."

"Thank you, likewise." I smiled at him with my eyes and lips closed.

"And what brings you here?" Zyler asked, curiously.

"I'm here to see..." I trailed off awkwardly but turned towards the vampire I "still owed a favor" according to him.

"Alexandar, when were you gonna tell me that you were dating? Were you waiting until the Vampire Ball to surprise me?" Zyler once again looked at Alexandar with one raised eyebrow. I choked when he said "dating" and cleared my throat.

Alexandar shook his head like Zyler snapped him out of his thoughts. "Oh um, d-dating? No, w-we're not. Alice..." He was saying my name like it was his first time which it actually is, like some foreign name. " my plus one for this event."

"Really?" He stretched the word slowly in a low tone. "Interesting." Zyler said suspiciously with slightly squinted eyes at Alexandar.

"Hi, honey! I'm gonna get some food because I'm starving! Did you want something?" A female vampire with long wavy brown hair came near us and interrupted our awkward conversation—THANK GOD! Ohmygosh, she looked so beautiful and breathtaking like straight out of an old film. I noticed her southern accent.

"Sure, just get me some light snacks. Don't want to stuff up too much before dancing." Zyler replied to the southern-accent belle.

"Okay! And oh, who must you be?" She turned towards me. "I've never seen you around before! What is your name, darling?" She asked me.

"Alice." I answered.

"Aw, what a sweet name! Want to come with me to get some food?"

"Sure." I walked away from the vampire guys and followed her to the food table against the wall.

"So, this must be your first time here, huh?" She asked me.

" is. I don't get out much so this is like the first time in a long time that I actually do."

"I see. I don't know how Alexandar found you but it surprises me that he brought you here because he has never brought any other vampire girl to these events."

"Really? You're kidding me." I said, shocked.

"No, I'm not. Whoever you are, you must be his lucky girl. He usually is just a lone vampire most of the times. Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners?! My name is Emiree, by the way. It's nice to meet you, Alice."

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