Chapter 1

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After losing her argument of not wanting to go to a party being thrown by her close friend, Kelly, and Husband, Miles, Taylor stood in the middle of her room throwing every nice outfit she owned into a messy heap. Taylor didn't want to leave her apartment or see anyone, so she refused to choose an outfit out of stubbornness. Every outfit she put together, she found flaws that weren't there.

She was just being stubborn.

Taylor knew why Kelly was dragging her to the party. She hadn't been hanging around with her friends and buried herself in her tour as a distraction from the hell she'd gone through with her last two relationships. Taylor had stopped replying to messages from friends and family. She'd answer to her Mom occasionally, but other than that, she had locked herself away from everyone. Even to lengths of recording songs for her new album from her mini home studio.

"Come on, Tay!" Kelly shouted from Taylor's living area.

Kelly had so little faith in Taylor turning up on her own accord that she actually went to pick the blonde up herself. Kelly knew Taylor hated her in that moment, but she wasn't going to let her friend close herself off from her friends and family anymore. Taylor had became a shell of herself since the breakups a few months prior, and everyone who cared for her watched it happen helplessly.

"Kelly, I really don't want to go" Taylor wined, flopping back onto her bed.

"I know you don't, but I'm not giving you a choice. Even just an hour" Kelly argued, letting herself into the bedroom and pulling Taylor by the arms to her feet. "Your security has worked their assess off to get you to the party"

Taylor plonked herself back down onto her bed and stared into oblivion. She'd lost all will to live and had lost the joy she once held for life. Ontop of that, Taylor had forgotten what it was like to be in a room of people and letting loose. Joe had kept her away from that for six years. Joe didn't like how much hard work it was to get Taylor somewhere so crowded, so he decided it wasn't worth it and stopped Taylor from going.

She was terrified on top of everything else she was feeling.

"Nothing looks good" Taylor pouted, pointing towards the pile of clothes by her mirror on the floor.

Shaking her head, Kelly wandered over to a knee-length blue dress that never failed to make the blonde look truly gorgous. It was so basic the dress, but it made Taylor's deep blue eyes sparkle.

"Here" Kelly stated, holding out the dress for Taylor to take. "Put this on with your white wedges. Slap a little makeup on and brush your hair. You'll look stunning. Be ready in ten"

Kelly left the room and left Taylor alone once again. She let out a frustrated groan but got to work getting ready. Taylor knew there was no getting out of the party at all.

Fifteen minutes and lots of grumbling on Taylor's part later, the two girls were out the door and on their way to Kelly's house.

When they arrived, Taylor's security opened the door for the two to climb out and guided them into the crowded house. The house could hold the amount of people there well, but it was still overwhelming and almost stifling for Taylor. Seeing the huge crowd of people in front of her, Taylor clung onto Kelly for dear life and turned to make sure her 4 security guards had stayed close.

Taylor felt so vulnerable and tiny.

"Let's go find Blake and Cara" Kelly said, guiding Taylor through the crowd. "There's other friends here I'll introduce you too of mine and Miles"

Soon enough, the women reunited with Blake and Cara. The two women wrapped Taylor into a tight hug each. They were so happy and relieved to see Taylor finally after months. Usually, Cara and Taylor faced timed most days, and Taylor spent the majority of her time at Blake and Ryan's house. But after the breakup, that wasn't the case and her friends were rightfully worried and missed their bubbly friend.

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