Chapter 2

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It had been four days since Taylor and Travis first met. Travis was back in Kansas, and Taylor was back at her home in Nashville, catching up on admin work. Their conversation hadn't really stopped since Taylor left Travis gauped at the side of the pool. As soon as they both woke up incredibly hug over the next morning, the two were messaging non-stop. There was no 'Hey's' between messages; the conversations simply just flowed seemingly into each other. It never really ended truly.

The conversations were light and easy. Travis was back at training for the NFL season starting in two days, and was enjoying teaching Taylor more about the training he was being killed off by and how the game itself worked, and she was enjoying hearing and learning about it.

Before they fell into their sweet dreams the evening before when Travis admitted he was disappointed they wouldn't be able to see each other for so long again, Taylor admitted she wasn't totally honest with Travis. By the pool, she had told him she only had a week off from tour, when in fact, she had nearly two full months off. Travis wasn't mad at Taylor's little white lie and didn't force her to explain. He could tell she had a wall up so high it was going to be hard work to climb over. Travis was going to be patient, and Taylor was grateful.

With their constant back and forth chatting, Taylor wasn't surprised when she woke up to three messages from Travis.

Prancer: I think Coach is actually trying to kill us off in this heat.

Prancer: I know you we're joking last night about it being nice knowing me before I ✨️poofed✨️ off the Earth, but I seriously feel like it.

Prancer: This heat is no joke🥵

Taylor let out a tired giggle as she read through the messages of misery. Taylor, once again, woke up feeling more happiness and less dread than usual. She had started eating breakfast, messaging with her parents and friends once again, and she felt less heavy physically. Sure, she still felt completely rotten and angry, but it was less than before she met Travis. Taylor didn't know why Travis managed to pull her slowly out the ditch she was digging herself and not her parents for friends, because he wasn't doing anything different, but his full of life energy was contagious.

Me: Please don't die, I haven't got my bracelet yet 🥲

Still smiling to herself, Taylor swung her legs out of bed and wandered closer to her panoramic windows that looked out onto the fields surrounding her house with a crystal river weaving through the middle. Nashville was where she was normal. Her house was a good twenty minute drive from the nearest town, so she was secure, and when she did venture into the big wide world, she was able to like a normal person. Paparazzi was non-existent, and the locals let her be, only ever bothering her to wish her a good morning or to say hi in passing. It was wonderful.

Looking out onto the beautiful nature she was surrounded by, she was struck by lyrics that were composed of sadness, begging, and hope. It was a weird combination of emotions, but she couldn't stop herself from running to her piano and begin ghosting her fingers over the keys. She lightly sung the few lyrics that had came to her and experimented with a melody. Taylor wanted the melody to express her anxiety about her past relationships and the way she sang the lyrics to represent her fear but also desperation for hope.

"Hand on the throttle, thought I caught lightening in a bottle, oh, but it's gone again"

Taylor liked it; the way it sounded and melded together was imperfectly perfect. Content where she was, she carried on letting her fingers and imagination free to meld together the magic it was creating. It flowed like perfectly fermented wine. The easy flow of the song coming together to make a song so heartbreakingly and beautifully bitter with a hint of desperation for hope. It was one of the most vulnerable songs Taylor had ever written, but it felt like therapy to her.

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