Chapter 5

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The sun beamed through the small windows of the private jet as it began its decent on its arrival into Kansas City. The summer heat was blazing through, heating the inside like like a sauna.

As the flowing sun blinded Taylor, her legs bounced erratically with nerves as she prepared for landing. The closer her plane got to the tarmac of the runway, the quicker her pulse got, and the faster her legs bounced. Nerves hadn't really hit Taylor the last week as she and Travis talked about her arrival; she was more excited. Travis' golden retriever energy put all her anxiety at bay and filled her with excitement. But as she got closer to actually seeing him again, Taylor couldn't control her nerves. She instantly questioned whether heading to Kansas was a good idea. Her Mom, Kelly, and Blake had all told her it wasn't a bad idea and a chance of finding happiness again. Yes, they were all just as cautious as she was, but the three of them felt that what she and Travis had was different. It was purely a friendship, but travelling to spend three days with somebody you'd only met in person once was a huge deal.

When the plane finally landed and came to a stop, Taylor looked out the window on the other side and saw Travis leant against a Rolls Royce looking oh so dazzling in his very stylish outfit. It made her stomach fill with butterflies. He naturally looked so good, his casual style remaining as stylish as ever, whilst she had her hair thrown up and an old sun dress on. She almost felt under dressed.

"Miss Swift, the stairs are ready for your departure" The pilot spoke over the intercome.

Giving herself an internal shake, Taylor stood and grabbed her bag and suitcase. Squished between her security, Taylor walked towards the stairs and climbed down the clunky steps. Travis immediately made a beeline for her, shouting her name so gleefully. Instantaneously, Taylor felt herself relax and let out a breath she didn't know was being held. Uncharacteristically ditching her suitcase with her security, she weaved her way through them and ran towards Travis with a huge grin on her face.

Nerves were long forgotten.

"Travis!" Taylor squealed joyfully, flinging her arms around his neck.

Taylor didn't know what possessed her to do so, but she couldn't stop herself. Her body suddenly had a mind of its own.

"Hey, Girlie" Travis delightfully wrapped his arms around Taylor, engulfing her with his body.

Travis wasn't sure what sort of greeting he was expecting upon Taylor's arrival, but it definitely wasn't the one she gave him. Her elated call of his name and bear hug he received was definitely not what Travis was expecting. Nevertheless, it delighted him, and calmness over rode his internal bit of worry.

"How was your flight?" Travis asked, still caught up in the welcoming hug he was enjoying more than he thought he should be.

"It was good" Taylor said, pulling out the hug.

With them a good distance apart, they got lost in each other's eyes. Their eyes glittered with hope and excitement. They were enchanted with each other. It was so much different to the first time they met. They weren't walking on egg shells, unsure on how to act around each other. They were the complete opposite and more.

"W....we should probably get you to your hotel" Travis stumbled over his words, all of a sudden lost for words like a nerdy high-school boy.

Even with Taylor staying in a hotel and having built in drivers with her security guards, Travis stood his ground when it came to him picking her up at the airport. It took quite a bit of effort with Taylor's security for him to be able too, but Travis done what was asked without hesitation. He wanted Taylor to feel as normal as possible for the three days she was in Kansas.

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