Chapter 6

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"Morning, Sleeping Beauty"  Travis smiled, seeing a half-asleep Taylor padding towards him.

Travis woke up when the sun cracked around six am. Truthfully, he hadn't really slept much at all. He kept replaying the day in his head. In the morning, he woke up and went to morning practice; lying through his teeth when his fellow teammates asked what his plans were for the rest of the day. He dashed home to freshen up, then picked Taylor up late afternoon. That's when the day got turned into something Travis wasn't expecting. The nerves flew out the window the second he saw Taylor run towards him. They did slightly rear their head when he first showed Taylor his home, but after that, it was like hanging out with an old friend. Travis replayed the moments where they hurt their ribs laughing at trashy TV, when Taylor played him her new song and they ended up crying in each other's arms, all the dad-jokes he told that made her roll her eyes but laugh non the less, and when they said good night to each other. They slept in separate rooms. However, they silently wished they didn't have to part ways. When they pulled away from their last hug of the day, their eyes lingered for a little too long. They were close, the tension palpable, but they couldn't. Travis and Taylor both knew what they had was too important to risk throwing away. So they parted ways and spent the rest of the night tossing and turning; battling with their thoughts.

"You're way too chirpy for eight am" Taylor mumbled, sitting on an island chair. Resting her head in her hands.

"I didn't almost end up with concussion yesterday" Travis said, pouring each of them a freshly brewed coffee. "If you wanted to stay here instead of the hotel last night, you could have just asked. No need to have almost give yourself brain damage"

"I'm a world renound drama queen" Taylor huffed, almost mockingly.

"The landing was definitely impressive" Travis said, plating up their breakfasts.

"This looks and smells delicious considering you said you can't cook or bake" Taylor told accusationally, dousing the pancakes in syrup and cream.

"Packet mix" Travis admitted, scrunching his face in shame.

"I grew up on these whenever it was my dads turn to cook"

Taylor had noticed lots of familiar traits in Travis that her dad had. One of them was the fact neither of them had a talented finger in the kitchen.

"Your dad raised the biggest, most talented singer the world has seen, but he can't make pancakes from scratch? Make that make sense" Travis frowned, the math not mathing for hin.

"Neither of those things are related" Taylor chuckled. "My dad's a broker, but I can't do broker things to save my life"

"Fairs" Travis saw the point, taking a swig of his coffee. "Is there anything you'd like to do today?"

"Whatever we can inside your house or in the garden" Taylor answered dryly.

"We could bake" Travis suggested, since that was the reason the plan unfolded of Taylor going to Kansas in the first place. "We would have to go get the ingredients, but that won't take long"

"What picks your fancy?" Taylor questioned as she stood and collected all the dirty dishes.

"I've got this" Travis quickly stood and removed the stack of dishes from Taylor, not allowing his guest to tidy away his mess. "And really anything that isn't rocket science style"

"How about Voctoria sponge buns?"

"I've never heard of them" Travis said, piling the dishes into the washer. "They sound fancy pancy"

"Fancy pancy?" Taylor gave a quizzical glance, giggling at the choice of description.

"Anything with Victoria in his has to be some posh English thing" Travis passionately commented.

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