Chapter 4

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"Why would your favourite thing to bake me something you're allergic to?!" Travis exclaimed in confusment.

Being alone for the first time in nearly a week with Andrea having travelled home earlier in the day, Taylor felt lost once again. Having her Mom with her for a few days to lean on and distract her, it had healed Taylor quite a bit from the dark pit she had been in. However, she was now alone and left with her thoughts, which scared her. Taylor had nobody to distract her or help her through her emotions. When Travis emailed her to tell her he had just gotten back home from practice, Taylor pressed the Skype call button without a second thought.

Taylor had been baking ginger bread when Travis had sent the email as a distraction, so when he answered, he was instantly intrigued. Taylor explained what she was baking and the process of how to bake the sweet treat. It fascinated Travis how easily the blonde found it. She was barely paying attention to weighing out the correct amount of ingredients. instead, Taylor was giving Travis her full attention as they spoke.

During their conversation about baking and how much Taylor loves it, Travis admitted to not knowing a thing when it comes to baking. Taylor attempted to convince Travis there would be at least one thing he was good at baking, but he clapped back with a bad story every time. One where he blew up brownies a few years back, making Taylor howl whilst Travis went beet read. Travis and jested about Taylor teaching him to bake something good, and she took it seriously. She began drilling him about his favourite baked goods, favourite sweet treats, and how long he'd want to spend baking the treat. Travis found it adorable, and a little bit of him inside sparked with exitment at the prospect. Travis was pretty clueless on what he wanted to bake, so Taylor's took it upon herself. Taylor asked Travis his allergies for recipe ideas, which he answered with non, and he asked Taylor back. When she replied with ginger, Travis' brows shot up with shock since she was baking ginger bread. It baffled him.

"The smell of ginger is just so lovely" Taylor giggled at Travis' face. "My security loves ginger bread, so it doesn't go to waste"

Travis' heart melted slightly when Taylor said she baked for her security. He had only talked to her a lot the past few weeks, and it shocked him just how down to Earth the huge popstar was and how big of a heart she had. Still, Taylor cooking for the people who keep her safe was one of the sweetest things Travis had ever heard.

"I bet they appreciate being fed. Lucky them getting baked goods from you" Travis smiled, airing on the side of teasing to hide his real emotions.

"Yeh well, they put their lives at risk to stop a psycho killing me. It's the least they deserve" Taylor chuckled, placing the tin of mixture into the oven.

"You said that way too casually" while Taylor joked so nonchalantly about her safety issues, it caught Travis off guard, and he was unable to brisk over it.

"What?" Taylor frowned, picking up her phone and wandering into the living room.

"Physchos trying to kill you" Travis clarified.

"Oh" Taylor visibly cringed. "Dark sense of humour, sorry"

"Don't apologise" Travis shook his head. "I get it's your reality, but it's just crazy to hear someone actually say it, and it be real"

Travis knew he sounded like a bumbling buffoon and his words probably made no sense, but he was trying to reassure Taylor she didn't need to apologise but explain his shock.

"I get you" Taylor hummed. "I just kinda joke about it to cope and forget it's not normal for most people"

"Do you remember life before when you could go out like anyone else?" Travis cautiously questioned.

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