New start

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I was old enough, I stayed in the dorm with my new friend. His name was Stephan Garcia. He had an older sister Willow and a younger sister, Carmen .

Willow was a year older than us, she was sweet and friendly. And not lazy like her brother. She had a part time job , despite that they had money.
Carmen was a bit more than two years younger.

She was like a little sister for me too. Funny, outgoing and wanted to be a cheerleader.
After many years, I felt I belonged. They became my family, they treated me like one of them . I wasn't alone anymore. Although they were wealthy , these three chose to be in normal school like any students in our age. I didn't know back then that soon, Stephan will be the "Dan" in my adult life.

He got the Thunder nickname because he is almost always in trouble and running away from someone and he really is quick.
There was this girl around us , her name was Dakota, they said she was native American but..I had my doubts.

She was popular, helpful and rumors said, she had a crush on me.  She didn't always sit with us. Sometimes she and her group were around, hanging on the beach . They were cool guys. But, she wasn't my type.

- I don't feel like to go back to school, I hate it.
- Stephan, quit whining. Dad wants you to be a lawyer. He is already mad that you didn't go to the school he picked for you.
- I'm almost 20, he needs to stop telling me what to do. Look at Willow, she's doing what she likes.
- That's because mom also wanted me to be a baker. I love it and dad has nothing against it.

They lost their mother when Carmen  was born. She died during giving birth. Poor girl still blames herself at times.

- Ugh..I don't even want to study. I just want a good job and a cute girlfriend.
- Let me remind you that you're picky. You literally rejected 5 girls last year.
- Sis, they were gold diggers. I want someone who loves me for who I am..

I enjoyed listening to them silently because I knew I was still a part of the conversation. They were fun. Of course these guys also argued sometimes, but their bond was strong.

- How about that girl from the cheerleader team? She's so pretty and cool. I want to be like her.
- Charlotte? I don't know.. she's popular but I've seen enough movies to know, those girls are rude.
- Now, let's not judge someone you don't know. She seems cute.

Charlotte... I had classes with her. She was indeed popular. Any guy could be happy to be with her. I admit, she really was beautiful, but I was a nerd. I liked science, programing and such. Pretty girls don't go for the brain.. no offense.

- Drop that. And I don't think I'm her type. She likes football players I bet. And dudes with bad boy look.

My friend looked at me with a sassy grin. I rolled my eyes. Maybe I dressed as a "bay boy" but I was a softie. I was tall with piercings, wearing black most of times. No one really tried to mess with me. But then again, I was humble and nice with everyone.

- Whatcha say big boy? You like her?
- I'm not interested, thanks .

Willow shook her head at us. She was the most mature almond the four of us. Even though she never had a boyfriend before .

- Boys are so silly. Anyway, none of  you need to worry. I heard that she's focusing on her studies . Even changed her style to be modest. I doubt she's looking for a relationship this year.
- Bad news then. I saw hew with glasses, thought she got some brain finally.

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