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Charlotte and I spent some sweet hours in the room. Not even the loud music could ruin our moment. I was devouring her whole. She was beautiful and kinky. Showing me a side of her I didn't know and I didn't complain.
After making love, she cuddles with me. It was sweet to have her in my arms. I really loved this precious cupcake.

- How was it?
- Mm..
- Not that good..?
- I can't tell. Maybe if I get a kiss.
- Charlotte, stop giving me a fright..

Of course I kissed her. I never wanted this night to end. Everything was perfect. Way too perfect.

- You did a good job Mr Wellington.
- Did I ?
- Look at me, I'm still having goosebumps.
- I'm glad then.

We stayed in silence, enjoying each other's presence. Soon enough we both fell asleep. It was in the middle of the night when I woke up to someone , literally banging the door.

- The hell..?!

After covering Charlotte with blankets and getting my pants back, I went to see who it was.

- Marshall.. you disappeared ! I thought you went missing or something.
- Thunder. What the hell? We just wanted some privacy if you know what I mean.
- Uhm..okay..well, the party is over. Some people are staying. Where is Dorian?
- Oh fuck....I forgot about him.
- I thought he was with you.
- No?? Why would he? I'm with Charlotte. I asked Dorian to wait for me so we could talk. But...things got a steamy turn here.
- Oh..! Finally got laid?
- Hush.
- Ok, but then where is that kid?
- I'll try to find him . Maybe he's with his sister.
- Nope. They left with the girls. Sad enough, I couldn't talk to her much.

I got nervous. I meant to take care of him. I know he wasn't literally a child, but a minor. And I was older .. I promised him that we could hang out. Shit..

- Let Charlotte rest here, please. I leave her a note.
- Fine by me.

I got dressed and left with my friend. I was stupid, we should have asked for his number. I hoped that he went back to the dorm. Poor kid was alone, and hasn't made friends yet. I know how it is, trying to fit in. And he's "different" . I'd hate if he got hurt or bullied.

- I go back to the dorm , let's see if he's there.
- Alright.. call me if you find him.
- Same.

My heart was racing. We didn't lose him, did we? I met Carmen and her friends on my way. A few of them were drunk , she was only tipsy.

- Whatcha searchin' ?
- Did you girls see a young guy? About 16 or so.. with blonde hair. He's shy and pretty new.
- The new girl's brother?
- Yeah.
- Nope. But you better not lose him. Rumors say he has haters already.
- Come on!! Give me a break..

I rushed back to our room, the door was locked.

- Cool, this is my luck..left my keys at Stephan's.

I knocked a few times. Nothing.

- Hello..?

Another few knocks. Slowly , the door began to open. Dorian was standing there. I was so relieved, I wanted to hug him.

- Dude! I almost got a heart attack! Next time please tell someone where you go.
- Ok..

He sure wasn't awkward or shy. He was..moody. I'd say he was even sulking.

- I'm sorry. I know I said I'd be back and we can talk. girlfriend happened and ..
- It's ok. No need to explain. I was bored and lonely. I came big deal. I'm not your responsibility.
- Dorian, really. Yes you're not my responsibility but I don't want you hurt. I really am sorry for being such a screw up already. I didn't know things would go this way. I really meant to...
- I don't care. I'm going to sleep. You can too. I'm fine and I'm tired .

His behavior wasn't appealing. I got that he was hurt and I apologized. But he was sulking and giving me an attitude.

- Seriously. Stop this. I apologized. I meant it but you don't care. I can't handle someone who's sulking.
- You seemed to handle your girl pretty well.
- Because she's my girlfriend and she was only jealous. What's your deal??
- Nothing. Leave me alone. I'm not a damn kid.
- Hell you are! And you even act like one.

He shoved me away and tried to walk to his bed but I reached after him , grabbing his arm. I didn't want to be rough, it just happened accidentally. His sleeve rolled up, and he hissed in pain.

- Why are you such a brute??!

I let go of him , feeling embarrassed. I never meant to cause him pain at all. I lowered my gaze, wondering if I really was acting like a douchebag. He was fixing his sleeve but I had enough time to notice something.

- What are those..?
-  None of your business.
- Dorian.. I'm sorry. I never did this before. I'm not aware of my strength. I never hurt a fly , I swear. You were being stubborn when I was only trying to fix things. Can we..? Please.

Soon enough he was sniffing. I had my ideas but I wanted him to tell the truth. After the first tear drop, he answered silently.

- I cut.. only my family knows.. I don't like being gay..
- Because people were hurting you, right?

He nodded. Society is fucked up. What's wrong with people?

- Don't hide them. Let people see what they cause to you.
- I can't.. I'm not proud of my scars..I just wanted my pain to end..
- Let's not. You're a good kid. Your sister loves you , it's pretty clear . Let us be there for you. Let's start from the beginning.
- No chance.. Some people already gossip about me..they somehow know my secret. I don't want to go through the same..
- You won't. Stephan and I wouldn't let it happen. Trust me. You'll have friends. There are cool guys here.

I knew his pain. Been there when Dan died. It was hard. It took so long and so much help for me to move on. I didn't want it for anyone. Dr Sanchez helped me back then, I wanted to do the same for this kid.

- Now , now.. let's calm down . I call Stephan and tell him you're here and safe. He was worried too.

I put my arm around him. I hoped that little by little he'll open up and share things about his life. Whenever he's ready.
We sat down and I let him cry some more. It seemed to help him.
Stephan asked if he should be back, I said it's okay and asked him to tell Charlotte that I would call her tomorrow. Man, I hoped so bad that she won't think that I only used her.

- We have this weekend. I'll help you meet new people. Only the nice ones. You'll be one of us in no time.
- Thank you...and sorry.. I was so mean . I thought you were the same..pretending to care.  But I see now that you're not only good looking but you have a good heart.
- I'm trying.. Life can be tough, but we have each other, alright?
- Alright..

It was late already, my sleep died but thankfully, Dorian managed to calm down and fell asleep eventually.
If you think this was the storm I mentioned earlier, then you're so wrong.

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