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Everyone was busy with their exams. Me and Charlotte decided to be on our own for a while so we could focus on studying. Willow said, I shouldn't worry since I'm pretty smart. But I couldn't help it, I had to do my best. Thunder wasn't himself. I was so sure he was dating someone,but he refused to tell me. I didn't want to be nosy so I let him be. His grades were going down, even though he picked literature since he used to be the best in the class. Our new teacher was a young guy, Desmond Grey. I enjoyed his class, it was better with him than with Mrs Higgins. However, I suggested Thunder to ask for tutoring . His sister hated the idea...I have no idea why. And they were arguing a little too often. Both of them were secretive. I was sitting alone in the library, with my books and a coffee. I missed Charlotte but really , it was the best for us to be separated for this period.

- Marshall..

I peeked up from my book , to see a familiar blond head, gazing down at me with big eyes.

- What's wrong Dorian?
- I..just wanted to ask if it's fine if I join you..
- Sure, but I'm studying. I won't be talking much.
- That's fine..

He wasn't bothered, he was sad. It was plain to see. His sister wasn't around, she had to go home to be with their mother since she was sick. Meanwhile, we took care of Dorian. As much as we could.

- Something wrong?
- Not much..thank you for letting me stay.
- Uhmm..it's okay. But you can tell what bothers you.
- I.. I'm sorry. I'm being a burden. You are supposed to study.
- It's not like I don't have a few spare minutes. Go ahead.
- Fine..

He was playing with his fingers, obviously anxious. I hoped that no one hurt him.

- I feel suspicious..
- Of?
- Martin.. we're dating for a while now . He's been nice to me but..the past days he's been acting...weird..
- What do you mean by that?
- Weird..like distant..
- Do you want me to talk to him?
- No..! He'd get scared. You're intimidating for someone who doesn't know you..
- True..
- I just..I can't help it. I feel he's..playing around. You know, cheating..
- But he seems like a good fellow.
- I mean.. yes, but still. I told you, he's acting weird..

I decided to take a look at it later. Dorian doesn't deserve to be played. Perhaps he's only insecure.

- I'll try to help, alright? I promise it's a misunderstanding. I don't think he is cheating.
- I hope you're right . I really am sorry for bothering you.
- Hey , it's fine. I needed a break anyway.

I wanted to help him somehow. I will talk to Martín and ask him about this situation. I let the boy stay, he was more silent than usual. After I was done , I offered him to buy some lunch. He was like a cute brother to us. Delicate and we felt the urge to protect him. While everyone was going nuts , at least he was sane.
Later that day, I tried to find Martin. I had to ask around a little, some said he was having Spanish class, someone said he had free time, and then another guy said he wasn't even in th school. That's my luck. I was looking for him everywhere, when I got swept off of my feet. Who was able to do that? You'd be surprised..

- Dorian, what the hell?

He didn't even stop to look back. I got up and sprinted after him. Boy was short but sure fast. I was out of breath once I caught him on the yard. He was crying...

- Dorian? What's up buddy?
- Leave me alone...
- Hey, not nice. You literally bumped into me, leaving me on the floor. What's going on?
- I hate this world!
- Martin..?
- Who else?! He said sweet things, made me believe he loved me! I just knew..I felt suspicious and I was right!
- Let's calm down and talk.
- I don't want to be calm! He's such a jerk!

Marshall Where stories live. Discover now