5 2 3

⚠️ This chapter contains violent scene. Please read carefully!

I was already counting the day even though Charlotte was "only" half way in the pregnancy. I spoiled her more than before, let her friends come over and also let her have some fun . I didn't want to tie her up. She was free. She had limited time for now, so why not enjoy it while she can? She always got home in a great mood. I was glad her hormones weren't messing with her.
Victor and Vincent were at mine. I wish Charlotte could be home to tell them the news with me.

- I can't get over that you're no longer that little child. You're almost 27, having a sweet girlfriend and a home. I'm proud of you.
- Thank you. And you know...that's not all.
- Wait, did you not have a dog last time we were here?
- Yeah...poor boy died. I felt devastated.
- Vincent..
- What?? How was I supposed to know?
- It's alright. I have some news..
- What is it? Don't let us hang.
- Well.. I've always looked at you two as my parents..I wish you  could be. So I'm just saying, you two are young, handsome grandparents.
- Aw. Thank you. I'm trying, I don't have any grey hair so far.
- Amor..didn't you hear him? Marshall just said he and his girlfriend are having a baby soon!
- Dios mio!! Felicidades !!
- Thank you. It's a baby girl, Charlotte and I already picked her a name.
- This is such a nice day. I'm so very happy for you my boy. Finally, you can experience how it feels to have a family.

It made me emotional. My whole childhood was filled with rejection, it took 27 years...almost 27 , but still. Little by little and with help but I built up my life. I deserved this happy ending. Life has been kind to me in the past.

- He's all grown up. Time went away, didn't it?
- True.. I can still see that small baby , wrapped in a blanket. You see, you had a purpose . I knew it meant to be for you. I'm so glad , despite every bad things , you survived and after a while you didn't want to give up anymore.
- Because I had you all. My family... You two, Mrs Spencer, Mrs Rosa..my friends..

With teary eyes, I took a moment to remember them. Every single one who had some role in my life. Because of them I'm here now.
I told them about the proposal too. Dr Rivera..I mean, Vincent gave me so many sweet ideas. Although among the two , Víctor was the romantic soul.

- Stephan and I are going to have one last party , a little away from the city. And after that, I'll propose to Charlotte.
- Let us know how it went. Even so, I have no doubts that she'll say yes.
- I hope so.. She's all I want. Besides our child.

Only a few more days. I had everything planned. I told Charlotte that since I'll be away for a while, she should stay at her friend's. She was nice enough, letting me go.

- Don't worry babe, I'm a big girl. Just text me when you're there. Maybe I won't text back right away but I'll feel better to know that you're safe .
- Okay. I can't promise I'll be back shortly. One of us has to drive back too and both of us would like to have a drink or two.
- It's alright. You deserve it. Have the day for yourself. Like I said, I'll be fine.

Can she get any cuter? I had my license  but I couldn't get a car yet. It could wait. I went to meet Stephan. I found someone else there.. not sure why.

- Mr Grey. It's nice to see you. It's been a while.
- Marshall.. I'm glad to see you. How's your life going?
- It's great, thank you. You haven't aged at all. You don't even look older than I am.
- Nonsense. I passed 40 in July.. but thank you . Are you here to see Stephan?
- Actually , we're about to go to a bar together to celebrate.
- Oh..
- What about you?
- I was about to leave.
- Really?
- Tell him I'm sorry.
- For what?

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