Chapter Four: Gilan

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Gilan stood at the window somewhat behind his desk. He had waited for almost an hour for Jenny to appear with news. He tapped his foot repeatedly on the floor as he waited.

Gilan had proposed again and Jenny had merely told him that she would think about it for a little while. That meant half of an hour. But by now it had almost been a full hour.

There was an abrupt knock and Gilan flinched. He was thinking and the knock was so sudden that it caught him off guard. "Come in." He called. The door opened to admit Jenny. She gets prettier every time I see her. Gilan thought.

Her smile grew wider and wider as he approached her from the window. They embraced each other for several moments before they spoke. Gilan half-released the embrace, continuing to hold her by her waist.

"Well?" He said. "Have you thought about it?"

Jenny smiled at his question and gestured at the stairs. "You have no respect for people's capabilities. Including your new fiancé's." She said. Gilan's smile grew wider and wider into a toothy smile. He embraced her again into a more tighter one than the normal greeting embrace that they have each other.

He heard Jenny giggle at his reaction, but he couldn't help himself if he was this happy. Jenny had said yes to his marriage proposal and he was too excited to talk.

There was another knock on the door and they separated in time to find that the door was opening to admit a servant. "Pardon the interruption, but your horse is ready." He said.

When Gilan have him a confused look, the servant explained further, "You usually leave at this time for the gathering."

Gilan suddenly comprehended and kissed his fiancé goodbye before he left the room and bolted down the stairs, his cloak fanning out behind him as he went.

He couldn't wait to tell the rest of the Corps that there was a female among their ranks. Even though he didn't know how they would react to the news.
The Gathering began without a hitch and Halt pulled him over to the side. "Did you find out about Will's situation?" The older man asked.

Gilan gave him a confused look. "Will's situation? What happened?" He asked. Halt grinned. "I suspect it's nothing horribly wrong, then?" Gilan asked when he saw the grin.

Halt nodded. "It's good news." He said. Seeing that he had Gilan's almost full attention, he decided to continue and get some more of that attention. "Will's fallen in love again." He said.

Gilan looked at his former mentor. "What?!"

"Hush! Not so loud! Will might hear you from where he is." Halt hissed. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Will and Maddie had been having a conversation while Halt and Gilan talked in hushed voices. I'm not taking any chances. Halt thought. He realized Gilan was trying to get his attention now.

"What do you mean Will's fallen in love again?" The younger man asked.

"Exactly what I said. Will's officially moved on from Alyss. The only bad news is that she lives in one of the southern fiefs. Will was down there, looking for a Baron and he finds her instead." Halt explained.

"Do you know her name?" Gilan asked.

"Will says her name is Catherine Altright."

"I know her." Gilan saw the raised eyebrow and explained further. "You know how I usually go to different fiefs at least once a month? Well, a few months ago, Anselm was the chosen fief for that month.

"The Baron was out on his usual rides after a long feast and I had no idea that he was gone, so when I went upstairs to see if he was there, I saw her and she nearly whacked me upside the head with a bucket full of soot and ashes because she didn't see me until I was right behind her."

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