Chapter Thirteen: Alyss

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Alyss hung from the chains as she was held upright by her wrists and recovering from a brutal punishment.

Her taken risk had been discovered and she'd been whipped for it. The man slammed his fist into the wall. "You got a hold of your Rangers, and I want to know how." He said through gritted teeth.

Alyss hung there, the only thing holding her up was the ropes around her wrists. She opened her eyes by will alone. She slowly shook her head.

"No? I can tell you this, Alyss. I am extremely pissed because my plans for you have been ruined thanks to you. I am trying not to slit your throat here and now and let your Rangers discover your dead, bloody body. You are so lucky right now." The man said.

He left the cell and pointed to all of his men. "Which one of you listened to her?" He asked.

Each of the men calmly shook their heads. "None of us went near her, sir." One of them spoke up.

"Then who---" the man started to say. He halted in the sentence as he realized. "The servant! Carlos! He betrayed us to the Rangers!" He cried.

Alyss' eyes went wide. Oh no! She thought.

"Did that strike a cord, Alyss?" The man asked.

Alyss stayed silent.

"Place her in The Depths." The man continued to his men.

Alyss hadn't struggled as they cut her loose and dragged her farther below the surface, to where it was nearly pitch black, save for the light of the torch.

She was chained to the wall and left in the dark. Will... Be careful. She thought.
Will and halt had made it in, but it was too quiet to be a dungeon, yet they followed the man with some confidence.

After some silence, the man stopped and examined the wall. A moment later, he turned to the two Rangers with a worried look on his face.

"No one should be near her cell at this time." He said.
Alyss sat, chained against the wall, trying to let her eyes adjust to the darkness.

Eventually, she gave up trying, as the darkness was too thick.

She heard the distance clash of weapons versus weapons, followed by a series of thumps. After a few moments, she heard two cries of pain and realized that they belonged to Will and Halt.

No! She thought.

She heard bodies being dragged down staircases and doors being unlocked. They're coming down here? She thought.

She heard a nearby door open and part of the area was filled with light. She heard the door close as the men came in. She lowered her head until the cell door opened.

She saw Halt being held under the man's arm and Will on his shoulder. "I brought your Rangers here to keep you company." He said with a sneer.

He threw Will down on the floor and his men instantly went for him so they could chain him to the wall while their boss did the same for Halt.

Alyss hung her head again as they did so and silently released a breath, relieved that neither Halt nor Will was dead.

Once Halt and Will were chained securely to the wall, the man forced Alyss to look him in the eye. He looked into her eyes for a moment before shoving her head to the side. "Arrogant bitch." He said.

He left the cell, his men closing it after him. They left the area and once the door closed again, the light was cut off from the chamber.

Alyss sighed.

Now, all she had to do was wait.

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