Chapter Five: Alyss

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Alyss was summoned to the Baron's office the day after Will came to Anselm. The rest of the servants thought she was in trouble, so they avoided her at all costs until they knew the reason for her being summoned by the Baron.

She knocked on the Baron's door three times and heard the common reply of "come in" from the other side of the door. She opened the door and made sure not too speak before she closed the door to its fullest. "You wanted to see me, my lord?" She asked.

The Baron nodded. "Yes. You knew that sooner or later, you would have to go to Redmont. Correct, Alyss?" He said.

Alyss nodded. "That is correct." She answered. Once she finished, the Baron produced three ordinary looking bags, tied together and the top to keep anything inside from falling out. He set them each on his desk and Alyss heard the sound of coins jingling together. She held herself bak from launching herself at the bags of coins.

"In each of these bags, is your payment for being a wonderful help. You are free to go to Redmont whenever you like. Thank you, Alyss." The Baron said, making a gesture for her to retrieve the bags. When she did, he gestured to the door. "You are dismissed." He said.

Alyss left the room, making sure that the door was shut nice and tight before all her composure left her and she ran at her fullest speed to the servants quarters.

"Girls! Guess what?!" She cried. She set the coin bags down of her bed as the girls gathered. "What is it, Alyss?" One of the girls asked. Alyss beamed with happiness.

"You're going to Redmont fief, aren't you?" Another one asked. Alyss nodded and the servants quarters erupted in cheers of happiness, we'll miss yous, and take cares. They all wanted Alyss to be back with her husband, the Legendary Will Treaty. Now she'd be able to see him again.

Alyss planned to leave the next day after she'd bought food supplies and water canteens for her trip. She was aware that the Baron had already told Baron Arald that she was coming in a few days, so Baron Arald could meet her halfway if he wanted.

Alyss wasn't aware that over half of Redmont and two certain people in castle Araluen were told that Will was in love with her.
Alyss walked rode into Wensley Village with in a few days. She was already excited and wanted to head straight to Will's cabin, but she knew that it would be a mistake. She'd have to explain herself and that wouldn't be good for her.

Instead, she headed straight for Castle Redmont to reveal her presence to Baron Arald. She went in through the gate without being denied entrance to the courtyard. She was helped down from the cart she had her belongings in by a knight and she smiled at him, causing his face to go a light shade of pink.

"Keep my belongings safe for now." She said. It wasn't really a question, but the knight nodded and signaled three of his men to guard her belongings in the cart, scarce as they might be.

She went to the Baron's office without being asked what her business was in the castle. He knocked three times. A reluctant "come in" was called and she reluctantly entered, knowing that she had interrupted something important.

She poked her head in to be sure and she hurriedly entered the room, aware that a Ranger was in the room as well. "My sincerest apologies for interrupting your conversation, my lord. My name is Catherine Altright." She said as she curtseyed. She saw the Ranger raise an eyebrow. That should be Halt. She thought.

The Baron rose and approached her. "The Baron over at Anselm sent a letter telling me of your approach. I had no idea that his best servant was a beautiful girl like you." He said. Alyss smiled. "You are too kind, my lord." She replied. Arald is quite the flatterer. She thought.

The Baron realized that he was leaving someone out. "Oh, where have my manners run off to? Catherine, this is Ranger Halt." He said.

Catherine nodded to him and he returned the nod. "My former Apprentice mentioned you when he came back here." He said. Alyss rose an eyebrow. "Did he now?" She asked.

Halt nodded and, before he could say anything more, the Baron interrupted. "Well, since you've introduced yourself, I am Baron Arald, not that you didn't know that, of course, but just for reassurance. Also, I'm afraid that our servant's quarters is full. I apologize for that, Missus Altright." He said.

"It's just Miss, my lord. I am unmarried." Alyss said. She had told him that she was unmarried just for the sake of keeping her true identity a secret. And because if she had gotten to know Will again and they were seen together, there would be relatively no issue about it.

"Ah, my apologies, Miss Altright. Now, I'm afraid I have to get back to my conversation with Halt." He said.

Alyss nodded. "Of course, I am sorry for keeping your company waiting." She said. She nodded to Halt, who returned the action, then left the room. Will talked about me? She wondered. Then her mind wandered back to when the Baron had told her that the servant's quarters was full. I guess I can work with Jenny. She thought.

She entered the courtyard and the sergeant was yelling at the knights. As she approached, the three knights saw her and moved away from the cart. The sergeant was about question what they were doing as one of them moved to help Alyss into the seat of the cart. "Thank you." She said.

The sergeant walked up to her and coughed to get her attention. "I'm sorry, miss, but I'm afraid you cannot leave your cart out here in the open." He said.

Alyss nodded. "Well, it's a good thing that I wasn't in there too long. I'll be off now." She said with a smile. The sergeant stepped back as she flicked reins on the horse's neck and she started off towards Wensley Village. I'll just work with Jenny. She thought.

When she arrived at the Heaped Platter, the whole restaurant fell silent at the sight of her. She looked around and smiled nervously. Why are they all staring at me like that? She wondered. She jumped at the violent sound of a wooden ladle hitting another wooden object.

"Come on, people! Don't make her feel uncomfortable! Make her feel welcome!" Yelled Jenny. Alyss grinned at Jenny's actions. Always doing what's right. She thought.

Alyss walked over to her, everyone in the room staring in awe as she moved toward the owner of the restaurant. They hurriedly made conversation with each other. As she passed by a table, she heard one question.

"How much you wanna bet that she's fallen in love with Will Treaty?" The man asked his friend. His friend shook his head. "She's out'a Will's league." He said.

They noticed that she stopped beside their table. "What makes you think that I am?" She asked. Then, she moved on without waiting for an answer.

Jenny walked up to Alyss and smiled. "What can I get for you miss?" She asked.

"How about a job?" Alyss asked. The girls shared a laugh, but Jenny stopped short. "I'm guessing you're looking for a job here?" She asked. Alyss nodded. "At the restaurant, yes. I can't really work at the inn or the tavern since those two are family run places, and there's not much else I can do." She said.

A look of understanding from Jenny was shown to her. "I know." She said. She circled around Alyss eyeing her up and down, nodding her approval. Alyss forced herself not to smile as Jenny examined her face.

"You'd certainly bring in a lot of customers." Jenny said. Another customer, who seemed to be eavesdropping on the conversation decided to add his own inference. "Especially Ranger Will." He said.

Jenny pointed her wooden ladle at him. "Don't you talk about that in front of her!" She hissed. The man held up his hands in surrender.

"What is it?" Alyss asked, feigning curiosity over the subject, but she believed that she already knew what it was about. Jenny waived it aside. "Oh, nothing too important." She said casually.

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