Chapter Nine: Alyss

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Alyss slumped onto a nearby empty chair. She and Jenny had been working together during a rush hour and, once it was over and the restaurant was closed, it left both of them and the restaurant waiters and waitresses utterly exhausted from the amount of customers they had to serve.

"I'm actually rather glad I took you in, Catherine." Said Jenny as she sat in the chair across from Alyss. "Usually I never get to the customers in time and they end up leaving."

Alyss gave Jenny an exhausted smile.

The door to the restaurant opened and Jenny turned angrily to shout at the one who had entered, when she saw that the newcomer was Halt. "Ranger Halt. What brings you here?" She said instead. Halt looked at her, then to Alyss, who he nodded to. "I need to see Catherine for a few moments in private." He said.

Jenny nodded, then placed her head back on the table while Alyss rose, her energy suddenly replenished and her suspicion heightened as she walked to the door. Halt opened the door for her and she nodded her head in thanks.

They walked in silence for some minutes before they came to a small clearing, where his horse was waiting. "We can talk here." He said to Alyss.

Alyss gave him a confused a look after she looked around the clearing. "Why here?" She asked.

"I needed to be in a private place so people in the village couldn't here what I'm about to say." He answered.

Alyss gave him that confused look again. "What?" She asked.

"I know it's you, Alyss. You can't fool me any longer." He accused. Alyss feigned a shocked facial expression and placed her hand on her chest to make her look hurt. "You think I'm some Courier who died saving a child's life?" She asked. "I'm a little hurt that you think that."

"How would you know the name of the Courier that died?" He asked.

"The whole of Anselm knows it. After her death, her guards told the Baron and he held a mourning service for those who were lost in the fire. The Courier being the only one who was lost." She said. "And once again, I'm rather hurt that you think that I'm among the dead."

"But you're not among the dead. You are very much alive..." Halt said. He lunged forward and reached behind her to grab a lock of her hair. By chance, it was the one that was blond again. "Alyss!" He hissed.

Alyss realized that she had been backed into a corner and she couldn't get out of it. She sighed, giving up being Catherine for a few moments. "I'll give you credit for this, Halt." She said. Halt smiled at her. Alyss was the only person who could make him smile like that. Alyss returned the smile. "You have quite a bit courage, accusing me like that." She said.

Halt smiled again. "It was a wild guess." He said. Alyss rose an eyebrow. "What if I wasn't Alyss?" She asked.

"But you are, aren't you?" He asked her back. "The thing is, once I tell Will, he'll be the happiest he's ever been."

"No." Alyss said. There was a few moments of silence before he decided to break it. "What?" He asked.

"You heard me. No." She said. "I don't want Will to know just yet. besides, I think I'll let him get to know Catherine a little more."

"Sounds reasonable enough." Halt replied.

"Of course it is. I haven't lost any of my skills as a Courier."Alyss said.

Halt smiled for the third time. "Well, when you do tell him, make sure to tell me so I can freely talk about it around him." he said. "Have a nice evening." He mounted Abelard and trotted off towards Will's cabin.

Alyss watched him until he disappeared into the colors of the forest, which wasn't for long. She held the lock of hair that was blond and she sighed, she needed more hair color without making the villagers too suspicious. She turned her back on where Halt disappeared and began walking toward the village.

Alyss was only halfway there when a gloved hand wrapped itself over her mouth, preventing her from screaming for help and preventing her to breathe. Someone just happen to see this. She thought. Please.

Not too long after she had the thought in her head, she lost consciousness.

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