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Will paced outside the castle infirmary. Come on, come on. He thought impatiently.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doors opened and a pale, yet smiling, Alyss came out.

Will rushed to her. "Are you okay? What happened? How did it go?" He asked.

Alyss giggled. "Yes, I'm alright. The healer used the new pregnancy test that Malcolm invented. It went wonderfully." She said, answering all of Will's questions.

"Why a pregnancy test?" Will asked.

"Just in case. You can't be too careful." Alyss said. "And besides," she added.

As if on cue, the healer came out with the new pregnancy test. It had a rather dark blue color around a wide area at the top.

Will raised an eyebrow at Alyss.

Alyss' smile grew wider as she explained. "There's a color code to it. Red is twin girls, pink is one girl, purple is male and female twins, bright blue is one boy, and dark blue is twin boys." He said.

Will looked back at the item in shock and Alyss watched as a wide smile slowly spread on Will's face.

"Twins." He said simply.

Alyss nodded. "That's right, Will." She said.

Will rushed up to Alyss from where he stood, placed his hands on both sides of her face, and gave her a sweet, loving kiss to her lips.

"You're pregnant with twins." He whispered.

Alyss nodded. "Yes." She said.
Halt stared at them in surprise. "Alyss is having kids?!" He cried.

Will and Alyss decided to go to Halt and Pauline's living quarters to give them the news.

Pauline looked at Alyss from where she was standing at the window and raised her eyebrow.

Alyss nodded. "Twin boys, to be exact." She said.

Halt's mouth fell open. "Gorlog's beard." He muttered.

Pauline moved from the window and went to embrace her former apprentice. "I am happy that you've returned, but having kids this soon?" She asked.

"Pauline, if I wait any longer, I won't be able to have any children." Alyss said.

Pauline smiled a little at her former apprentice's words.

"I wish you both luck." She said.

Will and Halt were having a hushed argument about how to raise a son. "I know that kids are chaotic, but how do you think I took care of Maddie. I showed her the ways of the Ranger and she's been perfectly fine." Will said.

"Girls are different." Halt retorted.

"I'm not talking about the gender, Halt. I'm talking about the fact that my sons will be exposed to a huge amount of respect, so they'll see that they need to be respectful to anyone that are friends with me and Alyss or retains a high ranking, like Baron Arald." Will explained.

Pauline coughed to get their attention.

They turned and looked at the two diplomats with a nervous smile. Alyss giggled. "Oh, you boys." She said.

"Boys?!" They cried in unison.

Alyss nodded. "Yes, boys. You two are acting like children, jealously guarding a secret." She said.

Pauline smiled as well. "Yes, what's so secretive?" She asked.

"I was lecturing Will that kids can be a huge fuss when they're young and juvenile." Halt answered.

Will slapped his former mentor on the arm. "They can't be that bad." He said.

Alyss shook her head. "Well, if they have a diplomat and a Ranger for parents, both who are trained to be extremely respectful, I don't think it'll be too much trouble." She said.

Halt sighed. "It's your funeral, then." He said.

"Halt!" Pauline hissed.

Halt flinched a little, but his face remained impassive as ever.

Pauline shook her head, then faced Alyss with a grin. "Let us know when the babies have arrived." She said.

Alyss giggled again. "I think Will would be able to do that." She said before she embraced her former mentor, then grabbing Will by his hand and making her way toward the door.

Halt was the one to open it to let them out, then the one to close it, leaving him and Pauline alone.

"So..." He said.

Pauline rose an eyebrow at him and he decided to clarify.

"We'll be grandparents." He finished.

"In a sense, yes." Pauline agreed.

"How proud are you?"

"Very proud."

"So am I."

"You had better get used to being called a grandfather."

Halt chuckled at Pauline's statement. "The twins will be here before we know it." He said.

Pauline nodded as she gave a silent prayer that Alyss survived the birth of two sons.

A/N: Hey Guys! Alyss' Return: She Lives is all done! I will start a poll.
Comment on the following sentences if you are in favor of it:
A sequel with the twins
A sequel with the same plot, only gender flipped.

Again, comment on the sentence if you want it so I can measure who wants what and go by popular vote. Thank you for reading!


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