Chapter Eleven: Alyss

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Alyss woke to find herself slouched against a cobblestone wall and her mouth gagged. She woke to the pain of having metal on her wrists and the pain of not eating in a while. She let out a groan when her stomach began to hurt like hell as it growled at her for food. The guards at the door started and smiled.

"Hey boss! She's awake!" One of them called.

A burly man with a scar over his left eye approached the cell that Alyss found herself in. His skin was tan save for the scar, which was a thick, pale line against the darker skin tone.

His big arms, folded over each other, looked like they were almost twice the size of her own head, which did seem a bit intimidating, but Alyss tried to as stay calm and composed as she could, despite the fact that he was gagged and bound and in a dark cell.

"Well, well, well. Will Treaty's wife. Congratulations on drawing our attention." He said.

Alyss couldn't hide the shock in her eyes as the man spoke.

"I bet you're wondering how we know. A young girl with the same grace, same calmness and same looks as the dead Courier, pops up out of the blue in the same fief, claiming to be Catherine Altright. We did a little investigation and found out that you were the supposedly dead Courier." He said. "I assure you that we made things a little difficult for your Rangers on our way here." He added before laughing.

Alyss hung her head as she took it all in. She heard the cell door open and looked up.

The man was coming in.

"One of my men kidnapped you, initially. Then as we traveling farther from Redmont, another rider met with him and took custody of you. The man who first took you, turned for the higher fiefs while the second man kept straight, coming here and dropping you off." He said.

Alyss' eyes went wide as she comprehended what the man had done. He smiled at her, but the gesture had no kindness in it. Only venom.

She lowered her head again, moments later feeling cold water spill over her head. The black had gone away to reveal blond.

"Just so there's no mistaking that it's you, if your Rangers can find you." The man said. He swaggered out of the room, leaving Alyss still gagged and bound, without mercy.
The next few days were hell, as she'd expected. She'd been trying to figure out ways to get in contact with Will, but she couldn't think of anything that she could use to get to him.

Although she had found out that she was in a secret dungeon, buried beneath the Solitary Plains, called Solitary Keep. She had been fed only once every day, and that was it, she didn't get anything else besides bread and water.

She'd wished that today would be different. That the monotony would be broken, I only for today.

And her wish would be granted.

A servant, who went outside for the men who kept her captive, had arrived to give her the day's meal. Alyss tried to lean closer to the servant so she could whisper.

"Please, help me. Find out what fief Rangers Halt and Will are in. When you do, head to that fief and tell them that I am in the Solitary Plains. Please guide them from there. I am placing my complete trust in you." She said. She knew he was taking a high risk, but she didn't know when she might ever get the chance again, so she took the risk.

The servant nodded and left the cell.

Will. I hope you can find me soon. She thought.

A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't updated at all, but my schoolwork is piling up already and I'm struggling to keep up. Thank you for your patience and I will try an update soon.

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