ch.1~ The Heir.

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"You don't understand. If you show up for this mission its a death wish. You'll be ambushed. Do us both a favor, stay at the safe house. Don't make me prove a point."

Recovered translated correspondents between Death Eater Mattheo Riddle, to Order Member Alexandra Brooks, 2004.

1997, Hogwarts.


I sat in the far chair, in the Ravenclaw common room. Its where I got the most peace these days. And by that, I mean quite time away from Harry.

The soft glow of the enchanted candles cast dancing shadows across the walls, and the whispers of other students mingled with the occasional rustle of parchment as they studied. I personally always thought our common room was the best.

Tallest tower, views of the lake, quidditch pitch, and the forrest.

It doesn't get better than this.

As I sank deeper into the plush cushions of the chair, I allowed my mind to drift, appreciating the solitude that the Ravenclaw common room provided.

Here, I could lose myself in my thoughts, free from the burdens that came with being part of Harry's world.

Its not that I don't love Harry, Merlin, I love that idiot more than anything. Being his friend... Its cost me a lot more than I'd like to admit.

The constant trouble, the permanent "kick me" sign I'm convinced is etched into my back thanks to the Slytherin boys, and the constant impending doom feeling I always have, being Harrys friend is amazing.

I was actually friends with Hermione first. We met the first day, of first year, in the library. Both trying to check on the same book that was intended for third years. Instead of arguing, she suggest sharing.

We settled down at one of the large wooden tables, the book open between us. For hours, we poured over the pages, trading thoughts and questions, and before we knew it, laughter spilled from our lips as we attempted to pronounce difficult incantations.

From that day on, we were inseparable, exploring the library, testing our spells in the empty corridors, being girls.

She then introduced me to Harry and Ron.

The four of us have been close ever since.

But here, in my chair, in my common room, I was just Alex.

I didn't have to be anyone else.

Or anything, for anyone else.

Just as I settled into my thoughts, the door to the common room creaked open, and in stepped Luna Lovegood, her ethereal presence filling the space as she glided across the floor.

With her floaty, mismatched outfit that had the slight air of whimsy, she seemed to carry the essence of magic itself, or insanity.

I could never quite place it.

I wouldn't call her a friend, but she certainly wasn't a stranger.

Luna was always just there- I liked it.

I liked her.

"Hello, Alexandra," she said softly, her voice melodic and soothing, "I couldn't help but notice you looking quite pensive. Are you contemplating the existence of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks again?"

As much as I loved her whimsical ass, I never knew what she was ever talking about.

Startled by her sudden entrance and her curious observation, I chuckled, "Not this time, Luna," I replied, grinning. "Just sitting, reading."

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