ch.17~ waiting game.

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"You and your warnings, you'll never realize I take it as an invitation.

Always a pleasure seeing you, Brookie."

Recovered translated correspondents between Death Eater Mattheo Riddle, to Order Memeber Alexandra Brooks, 2005.

Hogwarts, 1997.


I'd like to say I haven't though about Mattheo, the kiss, or the web of lies he spun directly after, but that would be a lie. 

I would also be lying if I didn't say that Theodore, was a much welcome distraction. 

But I knew he was just that. 

A distraction. 

I put up my walls, oh so long ago, and the fact that they came crumbling down for Mattheo, it never sat right with me. 

I'll never understand why I did what I did that night. 

Just like I'll never understand why he said, what he said. 

Every time I closed my eyes, I could still feel the warmth of Mattheo's lips against mine, that dizzying mix of excitement and confusion flooding my senses.

I'd never expected it, never planned for it, and yet it had happened. 

And then came the cascade of lies that followed, half-truths wrapped in charming smiles and carefully planned excuses.

It all felt like a cruel game, one where I was the unwitting pawn. 

I replayed the hurtful things he'd said, the way he'd brushed me off while trying to maintain the perfect facade. 

But what stung even more was the realization that I had let my walls down so easily for someone who had shown me so little in return.

Theodore was different, though. And although I knew this was game to him, I could see it in the way he spoke, the way he moved around me. Our laughter felt easy, but the banter flowed felt forced. 

Even after spending all afternoon in his dorm, sitting on opposite ends, I could tell, something wasn't there. 

Maybe it was me. 


I trudged my way to dinner, thanking Merlin Mattheo wasn't still on those common room couches when I left. 

As I navigated the winding corridors toward the Great Hall, I tried to shake off the lingering thoughts of the everything. It was late, and the usual hustle and bustle of students seeking a quick meal filled the air, mingled with laughter and chatter.

I was so wrapped in my thoughts that I almost missed Hermione as she rounded the corner. 

She looked up from her stack of books, eyebrows rising in recognition. "Hey, Alex! You're looking a bit... pensive today."

"Hey, Mione," I replied, forcing a smile. "Just tired, I guess."

Her keen eyes narrowed slightly, and I knew she wasn't buying it. "Tired, or is there something else going on?"

Before I could respond, she nodded toward my bag. "Is that what I think it is?"

I glanced down, embarrassed to see the green and silver Slytherin jersey peeking out from my bag.

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