Ch.13~ This was a mistake.

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"I keep waiting for you to prove you're not as fucking nuts as everyone says you are, you always seem to prove the opposite.

Whats that saying... Like calls to like?"

Recovered Translated correspondents between Death Eater Mattheo Riddle, to Order Member Alexandra Brooks, 2005.

Hogwarts, 1997,


Theres two horrible ways I imagine waking up each morning.

One, being haunted by thoughts of Mattheo Riddle almost kissing me.

Two, a very pissed off Harry in my room.

Today, I had the pleasure of experiencing both of them.

I jolted upright in bed, heart racing, as the sharp edges of reality cut through the remnants of my dream.

Mattheo's almost-kiss replayed in my mind, a mix of exhilaration and confusion flooding through me.

But that warmth was quickly snuffed out by the sight of Harry standing in my room, his brow furrowed and arms crossed, an imposing figure of frustration.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, voice still thick with sleep, refusing to let myself dwell on the dream.

Harry's eyes were stormy as he took a step forward, clearly not here to exchange pleasantries. "Where have you been, Alex? You've had weeks to find information on horcruxes, and instead, I hear your messing around with the enemy!"


We were alone...

I checked...

I blinked, caught off-guard. "You can't just barge into my room like this and start throwing accusations, Harry. I've been working—"

"Working? Is that what we're calling it now?" he interrupted sharply. "You think going out with someone like Theodore Nott is productive? He's one of them, Alex! He's part of the problem!"



Ron, sitting quietly on the edge of my bed, shifted uncomfortably but remained silent, likely weighing the tension between Harry and me.

I shot him a pleading look, hoping for a bit of backup.

"Harry, it was just one date," I said, keeping my voice calm despite the swirl of anger and hurt rising within me. "You don't understand the pressure I'm under. I'm trying to gather information, and yes, Theo might know things. It doesn't mean I'm switching sides."

"Oh! He's Theo to you now!" Harry shot back, his frustration spilling over. "You should be focused on the horcruxes that we need to destroy, not flirting with the enemy."

My heart raced with indignation. "Flirting? You think that's what it was? It's called being strategic! I can't just stick to the same old circle and expect to learn anything new. Theo might have leads."

I was lying, it was clear.

I just didn't have it in me to argue.

Not about my nonexistent love life, not about Theodore, not about my lack of work.


Not when something was weighing so heavily on my mind.

"Leads?" He scoffed, anger etched into his features. "If you want leads, you should be digging through textbooks or exploring the library, not going around asking traitors for help!"

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