Chapter 61: Payback

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"Jobs done"

Alex turned around smiling from head to toe. She took a sip of her wine. "Smells like victory.. is he dead? She asked looking at her crew.

"He's in pretty bad shape," Rico said

"Who is this guy.. anyways? Carlos asked. Danny looked uneasy looking at the other guys.

"Ricky Santana, son of Grant Santana the largest kingpin in Miami-

"Didn't he die?? Rico asked

"Yup.. his whole family killed my family. My cousins, my father, and my uncle are all gone... he killed them before I could... before I could get what I needed from them." She said lighting her cigarette

"That's... that's tough," Carlos said

"So is life... I've been breaking my back trying to build this empire for myself.. then I realized.....I don't have to do this shit alone. I'll get half of what they stole from me" She smiled

"What's your plan? What's your next move?

"I'm going to take them down one by one.. after I get what I want of course" She smiled knocking down her dominoes

"I figured I start with the person he loves the most and go from there"

"They don't call me Alexia Caprio Grego for nothing"


Dreux paced back and forth in the bedroom. He and the boys rode around the whole city of Miami looking for answers until they grew tired. Mia felt awful but was relieved that Ricky was alive. It's been 48 hours and Dreux was not okay she felt like he was going to blame all of this on her. She didn't know what to do when it came to their relationship felt like the relationship itself was in limbo.

"Dreux can you try to go to bed? Mia asked exhausted. He turned around "How do you expect me to sleep? My brother is fighting for his life in there... and you want me to sleep? He asked. She got up from the bed walking over to him. She placed her hand over his shoulder but he coldly brushed her away. His phone began to vibrate and he quickly answered it. Mia stood there in disbelief. She felt like he was blaming her for this.

"Kase, you there?

"Okay cool, there needs to be someone there every hour, whoever leaves someone needs to relieve that person. I don't know who the hell did this shit but if they bold enough to hurt my brother at a family event their bold enough to come up to the hospital-

"I'm just taking precautions"

"How the fuck you gon tell me how to react?

"I'll be there in the morning." he hung up.

"Are you blaming this on me? She asked. Dreux turned around

"What? He asked confused.

"Oh my gosh... you think I'm the reason Ricky is hurt" she said crushed.

"Mia that thought never crossed my mind.. but since you brought it up. I wish we weren't arguing about another nigga" he walked off

"A childhood friend"

"A childhood friend that always wanted you and is waiting his turn," Dreux shook his head

"His turn? What are you trying to say? Like I would just give it up or something? She asked

"I don't know what you want to do at this point," he said

"Wow... well I guess it's nothing else to talk about" she crossed her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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