Chapter 4 Not A Coward

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Meliza's POV

I walked out of the party and tried my best to walk straight with my head high going inside the house, but I needed to grope on the wall since I felt so dizzy and my ankle was still painful.

I knew my alcohol limit, but watching Ethan's woman clang at him like a leech during the whole party made me lose control of my cool. I am not supposed to drink, but the piercing of my heart was enough for me to drink more than I can take.

Why do I feel this way? Ethan and I were done. I am not supposed to feel jealousy since it was my choice to break up with him. He begged me that day, but I didn't listen to him because I was worried about his safety. My mom threatened me that Fred's men would do something to Ethan if I didn't break up with him.

I didn't want Ethan to suffer or get hurt because of me since I thought he came from a poor family. I should stop thinking about Ethan.

"Breathe, Iza," I mumbled to myself as I closed my eyes. All I needed to do was gather all my strength and climb the stairs.

I inhaled and exhaled, but my dizziness continued, and I badly wanted to lie down on my bed. I slowly opened my eyes and dragged my feet to take a step, but I stumbled and almost fell to the polished floor. But strong hands caught my waist, and someone helped me to stand up before I injured myself again.

Ethan's intoxicating scent and his closeness made me hold my breath. I can feel his warm breathing on my neck and goosebumps covering my entire torso. I wanted to stay away from him, but I felt too vulnerable. I hated myself for wanting to be where I was at the moment.

The alcohol was making me mad that I was thinking something ridiculous, like kissing him on the lips. I should stay away from my ex if I want to have a peaceful life. I should never forget Ethan made me feel like a fool, and now I realize he toyed with my feelings because he was the heir of his father's companies and the greatest liar of all time.

"You don't need to pretend you can't tolerate Alcohol, Iza," I heard Ethan's voice behind me, and my face felt so hot.

"You used to trick me with that kind of bullshit, and you better leave Adriana's farm before you make a scene and make everyone hates you like you used to do. Why are you even here?" He asked, and his words stung like a bee.

I wanted to counter Ethan and defend myself, but no words came out of my mouth as I tried to control my tears. His anger is evident, and he has no right to tell me those hurtful words.

"I should have listened to them when they told me you are nothing but a social climber bitch. My friends warned me you would never like me, but I was a fool for falling for your tricks." He added with a stern tone.

I bit my lower lip to keep my tears from falling as I coiled my fists on my sides.  Ethan abruptly released me from his hold, and I almost stumbled again, but I didn't want him to look down on me more because of the mess I was in right now. I should never drink alcohol again unless I am alone in my cute apartment.

I stood up and straightened myself. Even if I was broke, I still had my dignity to uphold. I was in pain and humiliated, but I would never beg Ethan.

Ethan should be the one who knew the real me and believed in me, but judging by his hurtful words, he loathes me more than I hate him. I have no reason to tell him what happened after I left San Fernando.

My explanation would be useless since, like most of my friends here on Adriana's farm, he already judged me and believed their made-up stories and lies because of their envy of me.

I never looked at him as I walked past him, limping. I let out a soft sigh as I heard his footsteps getting farther away from me, and I felt glad he went on the opposite side. I don't care where he was going.

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