Chapter 17 Another Enemy

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Meliza's POV

I could feel my heart beating loudly as I walked towards Ethan. The way he looked at me made my knees feel weak for no reason. I couldn't believe he had this kind of effect on me. I gathered all my strength and spoke with him, and I felt glad I could talk to him without stuttering.

I don't know why he is working here on this farm; how he carried himself told me he was not an ordinary young man. Even if he wasn't wearing signature clothes, I could say he came from a well-off family.

Some rich kids came here because their parents wanted them to learn different things and make them realize life is not all about parties and social events. They wished them to earn money on their own, so they knew it was not that easy to make money, especially for someone like us who came from a low-income family.

Some wealthy parents wanted their children to realize the importance of hard work and self-discipline. I don't know anything about Ethan, and I wouldn't say I like the idea that I wish to understand him more.

My impression of Ethan is the same as Ruby's: he is a bad influence on our fellow part-timers. I couldn't believe that he had been caught drinking liquor inside his quarter, and I felt disturbed about it because Jonathan was his roommate, and I didn't want my friend to be influenced by him.

I was hurt when he questioned my credibility, and I knew I wasn't perfect; no one is perfect in this damn world. I understand he was angry with me because I verbally warned him about his tardiness. I want him to understand I was only doing my job.

I was glad my talk with Ethan was over, and I hope he was true to his word not to be late tomorrow. I skipped dinner and was thankful to Vince for bringing it.

I know it was prohibited to bring food inside my room, but since I am staying alone and don't have a roommate, I can freely eat something. However, I make sure there are no leftovers and no traces of food inside my bedroom.

They always gathered in the living room after dinner or on the rooftop, but I didn't join them because I knew I was not welcome and would always be an outcast. Ruby and Vince begged me to join them, but I told them the same reason.

I took a hot bath and dry my hair. I put on my comfy nightgown and leaned on the headboard of my king-sized bed, reading my favorite book, when my phone rang. I sighed when I found my mom's name flashing on my screen.

"Iza, is it that hard for you to dial my number or type a short message for me?" My mom immediately asked on the other line before I could even say a single word.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I was busy the whole day, and I forgot to text you," I responded.

"Meliza, your work is only until five o'clock in the afternoon. Don't give me that reason. You make me worry about you, " she replied.

"Don't worry, I will text during my break and after my shift ends," I stated.

"You better do that, and don't forget to ask Nina for a cash advance." She said, and my throat felt dry.

"Mom, I can't do that; you already had a cash advance before I arrived here," I responded, feeling disappointed with my mother.

"No, Nina didn't send the money. I only told you that to make you go there." She replied.

"How could you lie to me, Mom?" I asked, unable to believe what she had said.

"I'm sorry, Meliza. We needed the money, and there was one more thing. Can you work there after summer for another five months?" she asked, and I was stunned.

"No, I need to enroll, Mom. I am going to study college," I responded.

"Meliza, the tuition fee is costly. You know we need money for the rent and the bills, and your part-time jobs here in the city could not support your studies. You better work full time there at the farm, " she said, and my mouth hung open, but no words came out.

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