Two Days

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Two days until the wedding.

You wake up and get ready to go skiing. You go outside where Carlos, Pierre and Charles already are. Pierre hands you a board "we're snow boarding instead today because Lando and Arthur are with us and these will be less likely to cause injuries" he winks at you.
Charles "we've spoke about this before Pierre don't wink at her she's mine" he hugs you.

Y/n "I don't know I could be tempted by Pierre"Charles "well you better make your mind up soon we get married in two days"Y/n "nah your way better Charles don't worry I'll maybe just have an affair with Pierre at a boring point of our marriage"Pie...

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Y/n "I don't know I could be tempted by Pierre"
Charles "well you better make your mind up soon we get married in two days"
Y/n "nah your way better Charles don't worry I'll maybe just have an affair with Pierre at a boring point of our marriage"
Pierre "I'm good with that"
Charles "you two never know when to stop do you now let's get snow boarding"
Y/n "so how do I do this"
Charles "you can kind of ski you'll be alright"

You spend some time snowboarding. You make sure to keep reminding Pierre that he's not to let the night get to messy with Charles.
Y/n "I'm just saying you have all gone to a lot of effort to make sure I make it to the wedding but now use some of that to make sure Charles gets to the wedding"

 Y/n "I'm just saying you have all gone to a lot of effort to make sure I make it to the wedding but now use some of that to make sure Charles gets to the wedding"

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Charles "don't worry I have all the fun I need with you"
Arthur "sounds like it at home"
Pierre "the poor boys traumatised"
Charles "move out my apartment then"

Charles "don't worry I have all the fun I need with you"Arthur "sounds like it at home"Pierre "the poor boys traumatised"Charles "move out my apartment then"

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Y/n "no Arthur you can stay just maybe go out for a run or something more often" you smile.

That night you get some drinks with some friends.

And Charles goes out with some friends including many of the drivers

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And Charles goes out with some friends including many of the drivers.

You are in the hotel and Charles is out at another bar close by. You have been secretly texting him all night.
Carla pulls you aside "stop texting Charles have some fun"
Y/n "how do you know" She's shows your her phone with texts from Arthur saying he's seen Charles texting you on his phone. Y/n "okay I'll stop but we're doing shots"
Carla "you want to do shots with Pascale"
Y/n "yeah she's great fun come on" You see Daniel and max arrive "your both late you missed the boys they've already gone out"
Daniel "oh that's okay we'll just join you beautiful ladies"
Pascale "ever a ladies man Daniel"
Daniel "hey Pascale"
Max "I'm up for joining you guys y/n is more fun than Charles anyway"
Carla "but is she more fun than Pierre"
Max "that's a tough one"
Daniel "you really want them both"
Max "and for a little extra spice just add you into the mix Daniel"
Daniel "yeah we've had some good times"
Y/n "vegas comes to mind"
Daniel "I feel hungover just thinking about that weekend"
Y/n "me to"
Carla "from what Arthur has told me I understand why"
Daniel "I still stand by you and Charles got married there"

 Y/n "okay I'll stop but we're doing shots"Carla "you want to do shots with Pascale"Y/n "yeah she's great fun come on" You see Daniel and max arrive "your both late you missed the boys they've already gone out"Daniel "oh that's okay we'll just joi...

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Y/n "no we didn't we tried but they said we were to drink or some sh*t"
Max "second times a charm then"
Daniel "it's third third times a charm max"
Max "yeah well I don't want to jinx anything"
Daniel "have we missed the rehearsal dinner"
Y/n "no we didn't bother with one it seemed like more effort than it was worth"
Max "that's a bold move"
Y/n "why would you say that I liked it better before you both got here"

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