Memory - Dancing in the Rain

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The next morning you wake up and look out the window to see it raining heavily. You feel like you want to go for a walk as it somehow feels familiar to you. You run downstairs to see seb "can we go for a walk"
Seb "y/n sweetie it's raining outside"
Y/n "I know but I want to go for a walk it feels familiar"
Seb "okay if you think it might help just let me get my jacket"

You open the door and walk outside cautiously as seb gets his jacket. You walk out further and look up as the memories come flooding back. You start smiling ear to ear as you remember dancing in the rain with Charles.

You are out walking with Charles when it starts to rain heavily

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You are out walking with Charles when it starts to rain heavily. Charles takes your hand and is about to start running back home "come on let's go"
Y/n "what's the rush we are already wet"
Charles starts laughing "I know what you are thinking"

 Charles takes your hand and is about to start running back home "come on let's go"Y/n "what's the rush we are already wet"Charles starts laughing "I know what you are thinking"

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Y/n "you know me so well" He takes your hand and spins you around. You dance for a while and he leans you back and kisses you.
Charles "okay but now we should go"
Y/n "but I'm not done dancing"

 Charles "okay but now we should go"Y/n "but I'm not done dancing"

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You start dancing on your own as Charles watches lovingly.

BANG!!! Thunder and lightning starts

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BANG!!! Thunder and lightning starts. Y/n "okay we can go now, race you"
You start running as Charles catches up to you just before you get to the door and picks you up and carries you to the door.

Y/n yells "seb I remember I danced in the rain"Seb "a happy memory" he smiles looking at you as he walks over to you

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Y/n yells "seb I remember I danced in the rain"
Seb "a happy memory" he smiles looking at you as he walks over to you.
Y/n "can we dance?"
Seb "why not I'm already wet what's a few more minutes in the rain"
You smile "that's what I thought to" Seb looks at you a little confused but dances with you anyways.

You dance with seb for a few minutes

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You dance with seb for a few minutes. You stop suddenly "it doesn't feel right why doesn't it feel right?" You look at him disheartened.
Seb "because your not with Charles"
Y/n "I don't remember him I know you tell me we were so in love and I see the pictures but I don't remember and I don't feel anything for him when we are together"
Seb sits on the edge of the pavement and puts his arm around you "I know it's hard not being able to remember anything and with everyone telling you who you are but with time you will remember just like you did there"
Y/n "what if I don't and what if I'm just a different person now"
Seb "maybe you are maybe you aren't let's give it more time and if you are different now and you don't fall back in love with Charles he will just have to accept that and move on"
Y/n "I feel bad for him I see the way he looks at me and we look so in love in the pictures but I don't feel that way about him"
Seb "it's okay not to love him anymore you have been through a lot"
Y/n "I wish I listened to him then I never would have got this stupid amnesia"
Seb "wait what do you mean you should have listened to him do you remember something else"
Y/n "I don't know can we go back inside I'm cold and tired"
Seb "yes of course"

You go back inside and go for a hot shower to warm up. Seb makes you a hot chocolate and you fall asleep on the sofa. Charles comes over while you are asleep. Him and seb talk in the kitchen so as not to wake you up. Seb tells Charles you remembered dancing in the rain. Seb "she also said she should have listened to you and she never would have got amnesia" Seb looks happy as you remembered all by yourself and tried to encourage Charles to recognise this as well.
Charles still doesn't let him self get to happy over this "yeah I told her not to go skiing I didn't want her to hurt herself"
Seb "because she already had"
Charles "yeah I should have made more of an effort to stop her"
Seb "you know none of this is your or anyone's fault it was a horrible accident"
Charles "yeah I know I just wish I could have stopped it"
Seb "I know you do"

He sees you asleep on the sofa and carries you to bed. You wake up as he lays you down on your bed. You open your eyes to see his face still half asleep and say "I love you we should dance in the rain more often it was fun"
Charles smiles softly "we will again, I hope soon but now you need to sleep mon ange"
Y/n "stay with me"
Charles sits on the edge of the bed as you fall back asleep. Seb comes in and whispers "is everything okay"
Charles "I miss her so much" he says with tears in his eyes.
Seb "she's still y/n just a little different"
Charles "I know I just miss- well dancing in the rain with her"
Seb "I know but it's a good sign she remembers"
Charles "you know she just told me she loves me I know she's just confused and will wake up not remembering who I am again but it's those moments that keep me going"
Seb "I know this is hard and you don't want to hear this but you might have to accept that she may never be your wife now"
Charles "I know, deep down I know but she might one day"
Seb "I hope so"
Charles looks at you "is it okay if I just sit with her a while longer"
Seb "yes you do what you need you know where I am"

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