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A few days go by and you won't let Charles or anyone come and visit you. Doctor "how are you feeling today"
Y/n "I still don't want that man to come back in here he thinks he knows me"

Doctor "I know it's hard not remembering anything about your life but-"Y/n "I don't want him near me I don't trust him"Doctor "okay I'm sorry I can see it's a lot"

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Doctor "I know it's hard not remembering anything about your life but-"
Y/n "I don't want him near me I don't trust him"
Doctor "okay I'm sorry I can see it's a lot"

The doctor leaves the room and goes to Charles who is outside your room as he misses you and wants to see you. Charles "can I see her"
Doctor "I'm sorry she doesn't want to see you"
Charles "what if Arthur or seb came to see her"
Doctor "it's worth a try" Charles looks defeated as he walks away. Doctor "there is every chance she will remember everything and things will go back to how they were or that she'll fall in love with you all over again"
Charles "I'm not so sure any more"
Doctor "don't give up on her you clearly love her very much and from the photos and stories I've seen and heard she loved you very much as well"
Charles "I'll never give up on her she's the only thing I need in life and I'll be there for her no matter what even if she never remembers"

Later that day seb comes to see you. Seb walks in "hi y/n it's seb"
Y/n "you seem familiar"
Seb "yeah you have known me for I think four years now"
You sound shocked "really!"
Seb "yeah, can I sit"
Y/n "yes please sit you seem nice"
Seb "thank you"

You sit up and hang your legs off the bed to face Seb, "can I ask you some questions"Seb "yes please ask me anything you want to know"Y/n "how do I apparently know you"Seb "I drove for Ferrari at the same time as Charles and you used to come to th...

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You sit up and hang your legs off the bed to face Seb, "can I ask you some questions"
Seb "yes please ask me anything you want to know"
Y/n "how do I apparently know you"
Seb "I drove for Ferrari at the same time as Charles and you used to come to the paddock a lot when you first started dating"
Y/n "I see and did we get on well I feel like we did"
Seb smiles "yes we did you have become like a daughter to me over the years"
Y/n "really?"
Seb "yeah you were always so far away from home and your parents and I think you just needed someone to be like a parent for you and your crazy ways"
You smile "it does sound like I was crazy Charles told me a story but I don't feel like that's me"
Seb "well you had a bad accident and maybe you just are different now and that's okay"
Y/n "you said about my parents where are they do they know what happened"
Seb "well you don't really talk to them you feel out with them years ago"
Y/n "why what happened"
Seb "well you wanted to move away from them to peruse your dream of being of being an actress but from what you have told me they didn't believe in you and wanted you to peruse-"
You start talking "a real career." You get excited "I remember that I remembered something they never believed in me and always hated on my dreams but I didn't care"
Seb "no you did not, you always knew what you wanted and went after it"
Y/n "is that what I did with Charles"
Seb "I'm not exactly sure what happened with you two maybe ask him"
Y/n "I don't want to see him he makes me feel uncomfortable but I like you"
Seb "give him a chance maybe not now you need time but please for me at some point give him another chance you two were so in love" You start to fidget with your sleeve a little. Seb "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"
Y/n "no it's okay I just hate that I see all these pictures and hear the stories but it doesn't feel like me but this is me" You are looking at pictures that Charles left you.

Seb "can I look at them"Y/n "yeah" you give him the pictures "you may as well keep them they mean nothing to me"Seb "please don't say that it's like the doctor said you need time and things will come back to you"Y/n "maybe"Seb "no definitely you d...

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Seb "can I look at them"
Y/n "yeah" you give him the pictures "you may as well keep them they mean nothing to me"
Seb "please don't say that it's like the doctor said you need time and things will come back to you"
Y/n "maybe"
Seb "no definitely you did just remember something about your parents"
Y/n "yeah I guess" you continue "what if I never remember"
Seb "that's okay you fell in love with Charles once who's to say you won't again"
Y/n "what if I want to fall in love with someone else"
Seb "that's okay you do what is right for you and who you are now"
Y/n "but what about Charles I mean I don't really like him right now but he seems to really love me for some reason and I don't want to hurt him"
Seb "he loves you so much and if you need something else now in life and he's not right for you anymore then yes he will be heartbroken but he will understand he just wants what's best for you he loves you so much"
Y/n "now I almost feel bad for him"
Seb "can I give you a hug"
Y/n "yes please do I need a hug right now"
Seb "hugs help everything"
Y/n "can they help my memory come back"
Seb "I wish they could"
Y/n "maybe I will let Charles come and see me again"
Seb "if you are sure and feel ready"
Y/n "yeah but can you be there maybe tomorrow you could both come and visit"
Seb "yes if you think me being here will help then of course I will see you tomorrow, with Charles"
Y/n "wait"
Seb turns around as he is about to go out the door "yes?"
Y/n "one more hug before you go"
Seb "I would love another hug sweetie"
You back away from the hug a little "sweetie you always call me that don't you"
Seb smiles "yes I've called you that for years"
You hug him again happy you remembered another little detail.

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