Memory - Egg Fight

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Later that day you wake up and Charles is gone. You go downstairs to the kitchen where Seb and Charles are talking again. You are holding snowy "can I finish the left over carbonara"
Charles smiles "well that's something that's not changed"
Y/n "Seb what does he mean"
Seb "you remember how I told you some people say I make the best carbonara in the world"
Y/n "I'm some people"
Seb "you sure are"
Y/n "that's why you smiled when I said carbonara without thinking, was it my favourite"
Charles "yes we used to make it all the time or try to at least"
You smile "we just ended up making a mess"
Charles "yeah we did but we had fun doing it, but not cleaning it"
You heat up the left overs and sit down with them "can you tell me about it"
Charles "erm yeah okay well there was one time we had an egg fight"
Y/n "this sounds interesting" you say stuffing your face with carbonara.

Charles gets back from the gym. You have got everything ready to make carbonara "finally your back let's make carbonara"

Charles "do you never get fed up of always having carbonara for dinner"Y/n "no plus it's fun making it with you"Charles "well that is true" he kisses you "can I get changed first"Y/n "no there is no time I'm hungry" Charles starts trying to crack ...

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Charles "do you never get fed up of always having carbonara for dinner"
Y/n "no plus it's fun making it with you"
Charles "well that is true" he kisses you "can I get changed first"
Y/n "no there is no time I'm hungry" Charles starts trying to crack an egg but it won't crack  "give it to me it's not that hard you just want something else" you edge closer to him.
Charles "no I don't it's my favourite to" He is about to pass you the egg but instead cracks it off your head. He immediately runs always knowing you will try and get him back.
Y/n "oh come on I just washed my hair I'm so getting you back for this" You pick up an egg and throw it at him but miss and hit the wall.

Charles "jeez that was a little violent that would have hurt if it hit me"Y/n "good now come hear"Charles "no your going to crack that egg in my head"Y/n "no I'm going to be the mature one"Charles comes closer to you "that makes a change"Y/n "oh y...

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Charles "jeez that was a little violent that would have hurt if it hit me"
Y/n "good now come hear"
Charles "no your going to crack that egg in my head"
Y/n "no I'm going to be the mature one"
Charles comes closer to you "that makes a change"
Y/n "oh you've done it now" you jump on his back with an egg in your hand and crack it on the top of his head.
Charles "okay we're even now let's just make dinner" he puts you down. He quickly picks up another egg and cracks it on your head again. He then picks another one up and chases you round the kitchen with it.

You grab one to

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You grab one to. You both run at each other and crack the eggs on each others heads. By now there is egg all over the floor. You both can't help but fall to the ground in tears you are laughing so much. Charles "I'm glad you didn't let me get changed" You dip your hands in the egg on the floor and try put your hand on his face. He grabs you wrist and turns your hand round and puts it in your face.
Y/n "no fair your stronger than me"
He picks you up and sits you on the kitchen counter and kisses you "I need to be strong so I can do that"
Y/n "hm yeah it is hot when you throw me round like I weigh nothing" Charles laughs at you "what why is that so funny"
Charles "it's not you just have egg shells in your hair"
Y/n "hm I wonder why"
Charles "come on let's go for a shower then we can finish making dinner"
You look at the mess "I think you mean start making dinner"
Charles turns to look at the mess "yeah I do, last one in the showers a rotten egg"
You run after him "we're both rotten eggs" Charles stops he is now laughing so much. You keep running "yesss I won your the biggest rotten egg" You undress and get in the shower.
Charles leans against the bathroom door "well I'm a pretty happy rotten egg"
Y/n "your a handsome rotten egg to"He gets undressed and joins you in the shower.

You pick up an egg and crack it on Charles head. At first he is shocked. You look worried thinking he is going to get annoyed at you "I'm sor-" He picks up and egg and tries to crack it off your head. You get up and start running away from him "no my head's precious I've just had a head injury"
Charles "oh come on you can't use that it's not fair"
Y/n "to late I already did" you take the egg out his hand.
Before he can even get his words out "don't you dare" You have cracked another egg on his head. You are left looking into his eyes. You feel nervous "you should go have a shower"
Charles looks sad again after having a great moment with you "yeah I will start to smell"
Seb is just sitting smiling "I can't even be mad that you've made a mess"
Y/n "oh yeah erm I'm sorry I'll clean it up"
Seb "no it's okay I'll do it you finish eating"

You finish eating as Charles finishes up in the shower. You knock on the bathroom door. Charles "seb is that you I'll be out in a minute"
Y/n "erm no it's y/n, I can wait I guess"
Charles wraps the towel round his waist and opens the door "are you okay"
Y/n "can we go for dinner" Charles just looks at you shocked "I want to get to know you, again" you smile a little.
Charles "I would like that very much mon ange"
Y/n "then it's a date" you go to your bedroom and put your pyjamas on to lay in bed watching tv.

Charles gets dressed and goes downstairs to talk to Seb. Seb "you look happy what happened did you and y/n talk"
He nods "yeah she said she wants to go to dinner and get to know me"
Seb "that great when are you going to take her"
Charles "maybe tomorrow night if she feels up to it"

 Seb "you look happy what happened did you and y/n talk"He nods "yeah she said she wants to go to dinner and get to know me"Seb "that great when are you going to take her"Charles "maybe tomorrow night if she feels up to it"

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Seb "yeah it's been a long day of reminiscing and dancing in the rain but you can always order food and talk here"
Charles "yeah I know" He starts walking to the door to leave. He turns around as seb is showing him out "I haven't thanked you yet"
Seb "thanked me?"
Charles "yeah for looking after her and helping her remember who I am" Seb gives Charles a hug. Charles starts to tear up "you know I was starting to lose hope and until today I didn't think she was going to remember or ever like me again"
Seb "she's getting there we just have to be patient"
Charles "all good things are worth waiting for"
Seb "exactly"
Charles "Carlos has been wanting to see y/n"
Seb "great bring him tomorrow afternoon he will have some stories for her and she always got on with Carlos"
Charles "yeah it may help her remember something before dinner"
Seb "I hope so, I will see you tomorrow"
Charles "yeah see you tomorrow"

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