Memory - When you tried to Sleep with Pierre

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Arthur turns to face Pierre as he continues to tell the story.

It's three years ago and the start of the season. You fly out for the race to support Charles.

Meanwhile there have been rumours and even pictures of Charles with another girl

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Meanwhile there have been rumours and even pictures of Charles with another girl. Before the race you go to talk to Charles but see him talking to another girl and so you leave the track and go back to the hotel.

The drivers are all going to a club after the race. You get dressed up really nice and go to the club when everyone else is there.

You find some of the drivers and say hi "so who is that girl Charles has been with all weekend"Pierre "you know jealousy is not a good colour on you"Y/n "maybe not but I know what would look good on me"Pierre "and what is that"Y/n "I would look go...

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You find some of the drivers and say hi "so who is that girl Charles has been with all weekend"
Pierre "you know jealousy is not a good colour on you"
Y/n "maybe not but I know what would look good on me"
Pierre "and what is that"
Y/n "I would look good under you"
Pierre smiles "I'm sure you would, in another world"
Y/n "come on we could have so much fun together"
Pierre "I don't doubt one bit but you are dating one of my best friends"
You kiss Pierre and put your hand on the back of his head so he can't back away so easily "your friend is a cheat"
Pierre "what do you mean"
Y/n "he's been cosy with and talking to some other girl all weekend I've seen pictures on instagram"
Pierre "and does he even know you are here"

You find some of the drivers and say hi "so who is that girl Charles has been with all weekend"Pierre "you know jealousy is not a good colour on you"Y/n "maybe not but I know what would look good on me"Pierre "and what is that"Y/n "I would look go...

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Y/n "well no but what's the point"
Pierre "he's on his own go surprise him I promise he will be happy to see you"
Y/n "fine but if he's not, me and you upstairs"
Pierre smiles "it hurts me to do this but no that's never happening"

You walk over to Charles as the other girl comes back and he starts talking to her as you approach from behind "seriously I flew all the way from New York to support you meanwhile you are cheating on me" you turn and start walking away.
Charles is shocked to see you and just watches you walk away for a minute before running after you "I'm not cheating on you she's my friend" He gets infront of you so you stop walking.
Y/n "I can just go around you"
Charles takes hold of your hand "oh come on if I had known you were here tonight and looked like this you think I would have been looking at anyone else"
Y/n "I do look hot don't I"
Charles "let's go upstairs you will love this hotel room"

 Y/n "I can just go around you"Charles takes hold of your hand "oh come on if I had known you were here tonight and looked like this you think I would have been looking at anyone else"Y/n "I do look hot don't I"Charles "let's go upstairs you will ...

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You follow him to the elevator. You look round at Charles who can't stop looking at you, "I kissed Pierre"
Charles "what why where when"
Y/n "I thought you were cheating on me I wanted to get back at you so just before I talked to you I kissed him"
Charles presses the button to go back down as the doors open. Y/n "what are you doing"
Charles "he can't just kiss you"
Y/n "he didn't he told me to talk to you and he refused this" you point down your body.
Charles looks you up and down again "wow that is surprising from him"
Y/n "I'm sorry"
Charles "no it's okay we've not been dating long and of course you were suspicious you don't know all my friends I'll introduce you to her tomorrow but for now let's go to our room"

Pierre "and that's the story of when y/n tried to get me to sleep with her"
Arthur smiles and looks over at you "she really kept Charles on his toes didn't she"
Pierre "she kept us all on our toes"
Arthur "yeah I guess she did" He holds your hand "the best part is that's not even one of the craziest things you've done" Arthur let's go of your hand and you move your hand slightly towards him "Pierre she moved her hand"
Pierre "what did she I'll go get the doctor" Pierre runs to get the doctor who comes in and asses you. Charles comes in as the doctor is assessing you and panics.
Charles "what's happened is everything okay with y/n"

Arthur "she moved her hand"Charles gets excited "she did?"Charles looks at the doctor "that's good isn't it"Doctor "yes it can be but it may just have been an involuntary movement so please don't get to excited we have to be realistic"Charles "no ...

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Arthur "she moved her hand"
Charles gets excited "she did?"
Charles looks at the doctor "that's good isn't it"
Doctor "yes it can be but it may just have been an involuntary movement so please don't get to excited we have to be realistic"
Charles "no I know she won't leave me we just have to wait until she's ready and everything will be how it was"
Pierre puts his hand on Charles back "I know it's difficult to accept bro but you have to be prepared for the worst"
Charles "I think you should go Pierre the negativity can't be good for y/n"
Pierre "I'm sorry I just want you to be prepared"
Charles "I know but she would never leave me we love each other to much"
Pierre "you know sometimes I think you are to in love"
Charles smiles "that's not possible"
Pierre "I was just telling Arthur about when y/n tried to sleep with me in Bahrain when she thought you were cheating"
Charles laughs a little "yeah I remember that"
Pierre "I bet you had a good night that night"
Charles looks to you and smiles "yeah but not the way you think"
Pierre "oh yeah"
Charles "yeah we spoke about our future and what we wanted to do together" Charles expression changes
Pierre "be patient she'll get there"
Charles "I hope so"

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