𝙭𝙭𝙫𝙞. war to come

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chapter twenty six

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chapter twenty six. war to come

"JACAERYS!" Alaessa yelled, running after her brother, as she held her skirt up to not trip.

"Sister now is not good," He spoke, "Jace, I know your angry, I understand your pain when you say mother shouldn't have brought them here."

"Sister you know nothing!" He whispered, as the halls echoed, "Brother–" She started before he cut her off again, "—You inherited the silver hair me and Luke prayed for! It's easy for you to pass off being mothers offspring, but I- am a bastard! As of you!" Alaessa felt tears in her eyes, "Jace. You are my brother, bastard or not we are Targaryen, from the blood of old Valyria."

Jacaerys sighed, he took a peace of her silver hair in his finger tips, "How? Why? Are you even Ser Harwin Strongs daughter?" He asked, allowing Alaessa to bit her lip.

"Jacaerys Velaryon, our blood flows with Targaryen and Velaryon blood, we are the Queen's daughter and son. Our line will never die."

"Sister! We are bastards! Just as the men whom claim the dragons!" He whispered yelled, "Jacaerys! Enough. I am heir, and you are the heir of driftmark—"

The two stopped arguing when they heard voices, "We're meant to be at the training yards learnin' the commands."

"What are you doing here?" Alaessa and Jacaerys saw two men in the council room, "Remove your feet from the table," Alaessa raised her voice as one of the men had their feet kicked up, "I'd rather not."

"Ulf." The man standing spoke warning, "It's not up to you—Ulf," Alaessa spoke as she walked closer to him, her silver hair pulled back in a tight braid, "Who's it up to then—woman, what is a woman dressed like that doing here?"

Alaessa raised her brows, "She is the heir, Alaessa. Princess Alaessa Velaryon and her brother Prince Jacaerys Velaryon," The man whom stood before them spoke.

The man whom had his feet up stood up quickly, "Princess Alaessa Velaryon. Right here, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon," The man walked over to them, Alaessa looked at her brother with disgust.

"Who'd have thought it?"

Alaessa looked at the man with disgust as did her brother, "The Princess and Prince live here."

"I'll have an apology from you, or your tongue, your choice—" Alaessa spoke, Jacaerys smirked at his sister, and the man whom name is Ulf went up to Alaessa and embraced her which she just stood there with her eyes wide while Jace bit his tongue, "Skoro syt iksos bisa vala touching issa?" She spoke in high valyrian to her brother. Asking why he was touching her.

Once he let go of her she looked at him with more disgust, "Ah the young Princess and I can't forget the young Prince as well."

"Look at your hair!" He went to touch her hair but she grabbed his hand away from her, "Isn't it strange... you and your brother don't even have the same hair colour—" Alaessa bit her lip, "-Do you wanna keep your tongue or not? Because if you keep talking i'll take it myself, I won't need my guards doing it for me."

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