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"Charlotte, stop crawling away from me." I told Lottie, trying to reach for her but it was too late. I grab my crutches and hop after her but then I couldn't pick her up. "Lottie, let me put your shoes on."

"I've got her, livvy." Less said, swooping Lottie into her arms and putting her shoes on.

"This is ridiculous, I can't even pick them up." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I know, livvy, it will go quick." Less told me, buckling the girls in their car seats.

"I hope so."


"You excited?" Less asked, a smile on her face as she parked the car.

"Yeah." I nodded, a genuine smile also on my face.

We got out the car and put the girls in their push chair before walking towards the building.

The building being the fertility clinic.

"You go take a seat, I'll sign us in." Less stated, helping me to the waiting area.

Not long after, she came and sat down next to me, resting a hand on my thigh.

"I'm so excited." Less admitted, squeezing my thigh.

"I am too."

"Olivia and Alessia Russo?" One of the doctors shouted.

We get up and walk towards the room, taking a seat.

The doctor explains the procedures, which we already knew about, before going through dates.

We'd tracked my ovulation and I'd be ovulating in a few days.

"Now, this procedure will be very quick and easy because when you went through your last IVF treatment, you froze three embryos. One of those embryos can be implanted the day you ovulate." The doctor explains and we nod along. "If you conceive on the first time, you're looking at giving birth around November/December time. I must warn you, it would happen very quickly and we'd have you back in here on Monday. I can leave and give you some time to talk about it."

"What do you think?" I questioned Alessia once the doctor had walked out.

"I think we should do it. If it does work, you'd be back in time for the euros, the girls would be 1 and a half." Less explained and I hummed in agreement.

"Are we having another baby then?" I asked, and she nodded, a massive smile on her face.

"We're gonna have another baby. Try. We're gonna try to have another baby." Alessia cheered, connecting our lips.


Today Arsenal were playing Bristol at meadow park and I had gone with to watch.

"Good luck, baby." I told Alessia, giving her a quick kiss before leaving the changing rooms to get to my seat.

Maisie and Lottie were with Lia because she was also out with a knee injury.

"Are they asleep?" I asked Lia as I saw her pushing their push chair back and forth.

"Fast asleep." Lia responded and I thank her before sitting down.

The match went really well, Arsenal winning 5-0.

Beth scored twice, lessi scored twice, and there was an own goal.

"Well done, baby." I cheered as less comes to the railing where we were sat.

"Thank you, love. Hi, babies." Less said as she tickled the girls, kissing their cheeks.

"We saw your two goals, didn't we?" I told Alessia as Maisie and Lottie cheer.

After Alessia got changed and ready to go, we left meadow park and went back home.

"I've got the girls, you head to bed." Less told me, looking at the girls who were fast asleep again.

I head upstairs, changing before getting into bed.

Less then comes in and lays down next to me.

"Massage?" She asked, grabbing the lotion  as I nod.

She massaged my knee gently, due to it still being tender from the surgery, but it did the job of undoing all the knots of tension.

She then massages my lower stomach because the doctor said it could help with the fertility process.

I then cuddle in to her and fall asleep as she kisses my head.

No one could stop them - Part Two ~ A.RWhere stories live. Discover now