~ six ~

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I woke up the following day to an empty bed.

I looked at the time and realised the team would be out training.

I'm guessing less had taking Maisie and Lottie with her because all their stuff was gone.

I feel a sudden wave of nausea so I jump out of bed and run to the toilet.

After throwing up on and off for a good half an hour, I walk over to the suitcase and grab the test if brought with.

I take it and rest it on the counter, facing downwards.

I pace the bathroom, deciding what to do.

Do I look at it and surprise less if I was pregnant?

Or do I wait for her to get back from training?

If I take it without her, I could get the Arsenal media to do a video like I did with the pregnancy with Lottie and Maisie.

I decide on the first idea, surprising less.

I flip the test over and read the word.


I was pregnant again.

I rest a hand on my stomach, rubbing it gently.

"Hi, bubba." I whisper before hearing the door to the room open.

"Baby?" Less calls out and I immediately put the test and the box it came in, in my pocket.

"Hi, lessi. I'm just on the toilet, won't be long."

"Okay, love."

"Mama." Lottie and Maisie cheer as they see me, big smiles on both their faces.

"Hi, babies. Did you go to training with mummy?"

"They did. They were crawling round with their ball, weren't you? How you feeling now?" Less asks me

"Feeling better. I think it might've been a bug or food poisoning." I lie, tickling the girls as they giggle.

"That's good, baby. Maybe this round didn't work but remember, we can try again, okay?" Less whispers, pressing her lips to my cheek.

"Okay." I nod, a smile on my face, knowing that I was pregnant.

"Love you, livvy."

"Love you too, less."

How should Liv announce the pregnancy. With the girls, it was read my lips, what should it be this time?

No one could stop them - Part Two ~ A.RWhere stories live. Discover now