~ seven ~

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A/N: This chapter is in Two parts because I saw two ideas on how liv could announce the pregnancy and I couldn't choose between them so I'm gonna do both :)))

To be sure that I was definitely pregnant, I secretly bought another test.

I took it when less was sleeping and it was negative.

The following day, when lessi was training, I went to medics and they did a scan, having the equipment at the place we were staying at.

They definitely confirmed I was pregnant and I got to see our baby for the first time.

They printed some pictures out and I knew I could use that to announce the pregnancy.

Me and less had been told to do a video for the arsenal TikTok.

It had all been set up so I could announce the pregnancy.

We had headbands on with a player or person on and we had to guess who we were.

We got the signal to start and me and less turn to each other.

"Am I a foreign player?" Less asks

"Yes." I say after thinking

"Why did you have to think about that?" Less laughs before continuing "Am I blonde?"

"No." I say after thinking again.

"Do you even know who this human is?" Less jokes

"No no no." I laugh

"Am I a defender?" Less questions


"Am I a midfielder?"

"Yes." I say

"Is it Kim little?" Less asks and I nod. "Cause you thought about foreign or not."

"Am I a player?" I question lessi and she nods. "Am I keeper?"


"We didn't ask that one before. Okay, am I a defender?"


"Midfielder?" I ask


"Forward." I say and less nods. "Am I English?"

"You are."

"Am I you?" I ask her

"You are, yeah." Less confirms and we laugh.

"It was either you, me or Beth." We say at the same time.

The headband was all set up with the baby scan on it.

I pop it on less' head and take a breath.

"Am I a player?" Less asks

"No." I say, laughing slightly.



"What? Am I a football stadium?" Less questions

"No." I respond laughing

"Am I a fan?"

"Yeah." I reply after thinking and less laughs, snorting in the process.

She grabs ahold of my arm, doubling over as she laughs.

"Am I related to me?"

"Yeah." I confirm

"Am I one of our babies?" Less asks and I nod

"Which one?"

"Lottie Lou?" Less guesses and I shake my head. "Am I Maisie moo?"

I shake my head again, and a confused look appears on her face.

She looks at the camera before looking at me again.

I smile at her before taking the pregnancy test out my pocket and showing her.

Her jaw drops as she envelops me in a hug.

"Livvy! You're pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant, baby." I confirm, laughing as tears well in my eyes.

"We're gonna have another baby."

Less presses her lips on mine, her hands gently caressing my stomach.

She pulls apart and takes the picture from the headband.

Her eyes welled with tears as she set eyes on the picture.

"Is this..."

"I had to go get a scan because I took two tests, one was positive and one was negative so I had to get one to make sure." I explain and she nods, hugging me again.

"We're gonna have three babies, lessi." I point out

"We can handle it. God, another baby. I love you so much, livvy."

"I love you too, less."


"Hi, I'm Alessia Russo..."

"And I'm Olivia Russo." We introduce ourselves, smiling at the camera.

"And this is, this or that."

We were doing a video for the Arsenal media and we'd planned it that Lottie and Maisie would crawl in half way through the video with big sister written on their shirts.

Long range free kick or bicycle kick?

"Bicycle kick." We both respond

"I'll get Liv to teach me how to do one. She's the master at them." Less jokes, resting her hand on my thigh.

Hiking or city break?

"Definitely a city a break. We're not really hikers, are we?" Less asks me

"No way. City break all the way." I agree

E-books or physical books?

"Physical books." I reply. "You've got into them recently, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I have." Less says

Speak every language on earth or speak to animals?

"I'd love to talk to our Lola, but I'm gonna say speak every language in the world." Less explains

"Yeah, same with me. I'd love to speak with our fur baby but every language on earth."

Time travel to the future or the past?

"Past for sure. There's so many things I'd love to relive." I tell the camera

"Same. I'd love to go back to the seventies era with all the music." Less says

Attend a play or a music gig?

"Music gig." We answer at the same time

Phone or Polaroid picture?

"Ohh — oh, hi baby girls. What are you doing here? Has auntie lele lost you again?" Alessia laughs, as Lottie and Maisie crawl towards us, both of them having massive smiles on their faces.

Less picks them up, resting them on her lap as they both cuddle into her.

"These are new shirts. Where'd you get these from?"

"I saw them and thought they looked cute. Show mummy your shirts." I tell Maisie and Lottie as I pull down their shirts so the writing's readable.

"Big sisters. What? Wait — livvy?" Less pauses, her jaw dropping.

"I'm pregnant, lessi."

"It worked? Baby, it worked!" Less exclaims, enveloping me in a hug. "Oh my god, we're gonna have another baby."

"We are, lessi."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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