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“This man wants to fuck you so bad it’s embarrassing.”

Sunoo squawked at Heeseung’s crude words, winding his hand back to smack the alpha’s arm.

“Shut up hyung!” Sunoo said loudly, looking around to make sure no one was around to overhear them before leaning in close and lowering his voice. “You really think so?”

“I think so.” Jake butt in, grinning cheekily when Heeseung turned to him with a deadpan stare.

“Sunoo was talking to me,” Heeseung said. “Don’t you know it’s rude to interrupt?”

“Well, I’m here too!”

“Man, don’t remind me- .”

“Sunoo! He’s being mean to me! Make him stop!”

Sunoo pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled slowly, practicing the anti-anxiety he had just finished learning in a yoga class earlier.

It was early in the morning and the three of them were gathered in the lobby of the campus gym, waiting for Jay and Jungwon to finish their respective workouts. With how busy their schedules were, Sunoo always tried to squeeze in a hang out with his friends whenever and wherever he could.

They were sprawled out on the sticky leather seats of the communal area, Sunoo and Heeseung on one sofa and Jake on the other. Sunoo had been showing the two alphas pictures of the stuffed animal Sunghoon had given him, but only Heeseung seemed mildly interested. And really, he was more focused on the implications of this gift giving gesture.

Jake’s body may have been physically present with them, but his mind had wandered across the room to the juice bar across the room.

“Yeah, this guy definitely fucks with you hard.” Heeseung looked like he couldn’t quite figure out if he was disgusted by Sunghoon or admired his game, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as if trying to decide. “He might as well have gifted you his dick in a box.”

“Ooh, I did that once to a guy I was seeing.” Jake interrupted, sitting up excitedly as if happy to find an opening in the conversation.

With morbid curiosity, Sunoo turned to Jake.

“And how’d that go?”

Jake grinned, sitting back on his hands and lifting his chin up with a cocky glint in his eyes.

“Let’s just say it ended with my dick in a different box.”

Heeseung burst out laughing and Sunoo groaned, covering his warm face with his hands.

“You guys are gross!” Sunoo whined, huffing loudly and turning away to give his warm cheeks a moment to cool down.

“Hey, what’s that guy’s deal?” Jake asked, trying to subtly point with raised eyebrows and a tilted head at the omega working the juice bar.

Sunoo turned to dutifully identify the omega in question, and it only took a moment before he was able to put a name to the face.

“Ooh, that’s Jung Wooyoung!” Sunoo told Jake, casting one last look back at the omega to confirm this information with a nod. He had a uniquely attractive face, with a bandana tying his hair back as he focused on chopping a mango up. “I think he’s friends with one of Jungwonnie’s friends. Or was it Jungwonnie’s friends friend that was friends with Wooyoung? I can’t remember. Give me a second! Um. Jungwonnie is besties with that Taehyun guy- but they’re not as close as me and Jungwonnie of course- and that guy’s friends with-.”

Jake looked more confused than Sunoo had been when he had first met the alpha and he started speaking in an Australian accent.

“A lot of words and no answers.” Jake frowned and Heeseung let out a loud “hah!”. “All I wanted to know was if he was single or not!”

“Oh.” Sunoo blinked innocently. “I don’t know!”

“What’s the point of you knowing half the campus if you can’t help me out?” Jake whined in frustration, casting his best puppy eyes over at the juice bar as if his pathetic wet dog demeanor would attract the omega. And the worst thing was, Sunoo had seen it work on several people before. He’d seen the greatest omega minds of his generation fall victim to Jake’s puppy boy charms…

“Why don’t you go up and introduce yourself nicely?” Sunoo suggested, reaching out with a comforting hand on Jake’s arm, looking up at his friend with kind eyes. “You’re a really sweet guy Jakey hyung! Any omega would be lucky to have you!”

As if uncomfortable with too much sentimentality in the air, Heeseung sat up in his seat and began rummaging through his wallet.

“I dare you to go up to that guy and ask him if he can make you a smoothie with his slick in it.” Heeseung said, waving a ₩50, 000 bill in front of Jake as if to hypnotize him.

“Hyung no, that’s gross!” Sunoo tried to interject but his frantic plea for them to stop fell on deaf ears.

“Deal.” Jake grinned, snatching the bill out of Heeseung’s hand and marching up to the juice bar with a confident swagger. Sunoo felt dread grow in his stomach at the sight of Wooyoung’s toned arms flexing as he ripped a pineapple in half with his bare hands without breaking a sweat.

“I think you just sent Jake hyung to his death.” Sunoo told Heeseung flatly and the alpha just smirked.

“Guess it’s just you and me then-.” Heeseung began, and then yelped when Sunoo pinched his arm meanly. “Yeesh! I get the hint…besides, Jakey will be dying doing what he loves! If anything, I just did him a favor.”

“Go do something.” Sunoo tried to give Heeseung his best stink eye, scowl morphing into a sweet smile when the alpha reluctantly got up with a groan. “Thank you hyung.”

“For the record, I’m gonna go make sure he carries through with his part of the bet.” Heeseung informed Sunoo, spreading his hands with a smirk as if he hadn’t been the catalyst for this situation. “You’re insane if you think I’m stopping him.”

Sunoo couldn’t believe these were the people he willingly spent the majority of his time with. Maybe he should accept Jungwon’s invitation to his omega activist club. Stop chasing dick and let the dick start chasing his slick! That had to be the club motto right? If it wasn’t, that was a missed opportunity.

Sunoo’s friendship with both Jake and Heeseung had started off strangely. It had been less like a group of human people platonically bonding, and more like two stray dogs following Sunoo down the street because he had beef jerky in his pocket and then the dogs decided to imprint on him and never leave him alone.


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