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𐙚 ˚💟 ⋆。˚ ᡣ𐭩

Sometimes, Sunoo felt like he was a bad omega.

It was hard not to feel bad next to someone like Jungwon. He was everything Sunoo wanted to be. A cute little cat eyed genius who had the power to end an alpha's life in the palm of his paws.

When Sunoo got approached by an alpha he wasn't interested in, he usually played along. Flirting was fun! Plus, having such a cute omega like Sunoo pretend to be into you probably did wonders for your self esteem.

God knows the poor alphas on campus probably needed it. They should be listed as protected species, the way they were treated.

Case in point, Heeseung!

(Jungwon always asked Sunoo why he put up with the alpha's teasing. He always posed the question with such a judgemental look, eyes scrunched up and mouth twisted up like he couldn't possibly fathom why Sunoo tolerated the utter disrespect that spilled out of Heeseung's lips on a daily basis.

"I think it's sweet!" Sunoo had defended the alpha. Heeseung was harmless! Besides, it was hard to be scared of someone who looked like a witch had cursed a pool noodle into becoming a real boy.

But Jungwon wasn't convinced.

"You say the word and I'll call up the Korean Armed Forces and take hyung down once and for all."

"Oh, you don't have to do that." Sunoo giggled, and then paused when the threat registered. "Wait. You can do that?!"

"You should stop asking what I can do, and start asking what I can't do."

"...so, what can't you do?" Sunoo had asked.


"...you can't do nothing?" Sunoo was confused. "Wonnie that doesn't make any sense!"

"It's a double negative- ! You know what. Don't worry about your pretty little head, Snoo."

"Yay, okay!")

But, someone like Jungwon was so cool! If he wasn't interested in an alpha coming onto him, he'd shut them down. Immediately and potentially violently.

Like the time they were at the club and some sweaty alpha had wrapped his fingers around Jungwon's wrist to hold him in place.

(See, Jungwon already hated the club. Bouncers always accused him of having a fake ID because of his baby face. Once, a bouncer had pointed at Jungwon and asked Jay why he was bringing his kid brother to the club.

They had beat the brotherly relationship allegations on the dance floor when they started grinding and making out. Sunoo wondered what the bouncer had thought of that...)

The moment that Jungwon had been grabbed, Sunoo panicked.

Not because he was scared for Jungwon. He knew his best friend could handle it! Really, he just felt bad for the alpha. It was going to be hard taking all your meals blended and by a straw for the next few months.

Because Jungwon looked like he was going to knock his fucking teeth out.

"I have a taser and I enjoy using it." Jungwon had hissed in the alpha's ear.

Sunoo could pinpoint the exact moment that the alpha realized Jungwon wasn't joking. The light dimmed in the guy's eyes and in a panic he tried to escape, but Jungwon had begun to crush his fingers in his grip.

It was like a Chinese finger trap. The more the alpha struggled, the tighter Jungwon's already punishing grip became.

A Korean finger trap...

Jungwon was so cool!

And Sunoo was just a virgin who couldn't drive! He didn't even know how to have sex. How could he drive Sunghoon crazy?!

In the days leading up to their date, Sunoo was starting to worry. He had talked up such a big game with his letter and he really didn't want to disappoint Sunghoon!

So, there was only one thing left to do.

Sunoo had to find out what sex was!

(૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭

No time to waste (on another pretty face) | SUNSUN 𐙚Where stories live. Discover now