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It was Wednesday evening and Vinnie had just landed in Saudi Arabia for the Jeddah Gran Prix weekend. Vinnie had no idea how sharing a hotel room with Lando was going to go. All she knew was that she was dreading it. However, Vinnie did have a plan to try and combat the hell that McLaren was trying to trap her in. After Vinnie told Arthur about having to share a hotel room with Lando and he'd stopped laughing like an adolescent, he'd offered for her to stay in his room with him for the weekend.

Obviously nobody on the McLaren team could find out she wasn't staying in the room with Lando, but Vinnie was sure that Lando would go for it. After all, he didn't want to share a room with her either. Vinnie had confronted Lando about going against McLaren's team orders when they were on the private jet back from Bahrain, it had turned into a full fled screaming match and they were on even worse terms than ever now.

As Vinnie struggled with her bags in the hallway of the hotel she'd be staying in, Callum came rushing up behind her. "Here, let me help." Callum said with a smile, taking her bags from her. "Uh, thank you." Vinnie said. Vinnie followed him as he took her bags, along with his own, into one of the elevators.

Vinnie couldn't believe her luck when she saw that Lance was already in the elevator. Letting out a sigh, she stood as far away from him as possible. "Hey, mate." Lance said to Callum, clapping him on the shoulder and sending him a smile. "Hey, you alright?" Callum asked him and soon, the two were engrossed in conversation.

Lance didn't even acknowledge her presence. He didn't speak to her at all, nor did he even look at her once. What a dick, was all Vinnie could think as she chewed the inside of her cheek. Vinnie was incredibly grateful when the elevator doors opened at her floor, quickly grabbing her bags and rushing out of the box full of tension. She could hear Callum call after her, but she just carried on walking. She was tired after her flight and could not be bothered dealing with Callum if she was being honest. Vinnie wasn't as mad at his as she had been, she was softening up to him but she still found herself being closed off to him. It wasn't even something she was really doing on purpose. It was like a natural reaction to him since she'd found out he was getting the redbull seat, but at least she could be polite to him now which was an improvement. 

When Vinnie found their room number she knocked despite having a key, not wanting to walk in on anything if Lando was already there. It didn't take long for the door to swing open. "I'm not helping you with your stuff." Lando told her, looking down at all her bags. "Do it yourself." He added and Vinnie rolled her eyes. "It's luckily that you don't need to then. I'm not saying here." Vinnie told him, making Lando scrunch his face up in confusion.

"What?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Arthur said I can stay in his room, so all we need to do is pretend that we're sharing a room." Vinnie told him. "Uh, you can't." Lando said, making Vinnie furrow her brows. "Why not?" She asked and Lando look a second, hesitating. "Because Penny and Josh are going to be getting with housekeeping to make sure we're both using the room." He finally managed to get out and Vinnie was sceptical. "Really, Josh never mentioned that to me?" Vinnie asked.

"Ever thought that maybe he just doesn't like you?" Lando shrugged. "Oh, I know that he doesn't." Vine was quick to tell him, actually making Lando chuckle for once which she was a bit taken back by. "But that doesn't explain why he wouldn't tell me that?" Vinnie asked, brows still furrowed and all Lando did was shrug again. "I don't know." He said, walking into the room and leaving the door open for her.

Vinnie sighed as she followed him in, dragging her bags in behind her. "Oh, you've got to me fucking kidding me?" Vinnie let out as she saw the bedroom.
It only had one bed. It only had one fucking bed. "Calm down, I already set my stuff up on the sofa." Lando told her, fixing his hair in the room's floor-length mirror. "And that's fair how?" Vinnie asked, a little outraged. "Wait, are you mad at me for letting you have the bed?" Lando asked as he turned around, chuckling at her like she was being ridiculous.

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